China would omit WHO to trace the origin of the coronavirus


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On several occasions, the Chinese government has refused to allow the World Health Organization (WHO) to participate in an investigation that seeks to determine exactly where the SARS-CoV-2 virus originated, SkyNews reports. The newspaper spoke to Gauden Galea, the WHO delegate to China.

An interview with Galea reveals the WHO’s belief that the new type of coronavirus has spread from animal to human, causing its natural spread in Wuhan, China. Meanwhile, US intelligence is investigating the role of virus laboratories in Wuhan in the development of the epidemic.

Research into the origins of the new coronavirus and how it will spread may be key to preventing similar outbreaks in the future. Therefore, more and more actors, such as the Australian government and various European governments, are initiating an independent investigation on the subject. The WHO could be a major player in this, but the Chinese government doesn’t even want to know anything about it, and Galea said they didn’t even explain why. (via index)

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