Since the beginning of the virus crisis, János Áder only made a speech on March 15 and only issued a statement when the Authorization Law was signed. However, he again found Good Friday as the right time to give a speech. He asked people for patience and emphasized that he would save lives if restrictions were followed even at Easter.

coronavirus pandemic

There are already more than a million people infected with the coronavirus in the world, around 70,000 have lost their lives due to the disease and the economic impact is unpredictable. It’s also hard to keep track of events, but we try to keep our readers informed about everything. Stay tuned, read our series of articles.

What does it take to make the world a better place, what needs to be changed?

János Áder recalled the journalist’s question to Mother Teresa of Calcutta in her Good Friday speech. The concise answer is that everyone needs to change.

János Áder admitted that we lost our sense of security during this period, that many people’s work was in danger and that it is natural that our losses make us sad. To make matters worse, it is Easter when “we have gone through the same mystery for generations.” But this Easter we cannot do it as usual, we cannot be together, until now, neither as a community nor as a family, he warned the president of his associates.

János Áder said: This Easter is not about a common celebration, but about gratitude and patience. He has long thanked those who make masks, shop for elderly neighbors, connect the helper with the needy, prepare food for doctors and nurses who steal robots in hospitals.

He thanked the teachers for adapting to the difficulties of distance learning with ingenuity, creative imagination and a lot of extra work. For merchants and suppliers who “don’t even stop living in this paralyzed state.”

János Áder emphasized that there is something in which everyone can participate and share to overcome the epidemic: patience.

If we can wait now and voluntarily give up the largest space, we are giving space to the most important thing: healing. (…) Think about the people closest to you. It should not be a question of what we all have, but of who we are, of whom we must be patient.

János Áder concluded his speech saying that we come to life if we maintain the restrictions now at Easter.

The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: we provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: we provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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