Index – Culture – Government Spokesperson: Events of less than 500 people cannot be held until August 15



04/30/2020. 23:46
Modified: 04/30/2020 23:56

Government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirály clarified the announcement of the summer restrictions on Thursday night at M1. While in the morning Gergely Gulyás, together with the Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, announced in the government information that it would not be possible to organize events for more than 500 people throughout the country until August 15, he modified this by

Events of less than 500 people are not allowed, that is, practically no events are allowed.

The announcement does not change the fact that the festival season is practically activated, there will be no Island Festival in its usual form, and several other festivals will be missed, while Colorado and Fishing On Orfű will likely be held in late August.

In the flyer information The following measures have also been announced at the national level:

  • The elderly continue to leave their homes only when absolutely necessary, the minister asked.
  • It will be mandatory to wear a mask on public transport and in stores, keep a distance of one and a half meters from each other.
  • Normal education will certainly not return until the end of May, it will continue digitally.
  • Free parking remains throughout the country.

In rural areas, the government has taken these measures (they do not apply to Budapest and Pest County):

  • You can open the terraces and gardens of restaurants, hotels, cafes.
  • Stores can open without a time limit, and the protected time zone for the elderly (9-12 hours) remains.
  • They can open to beaches, open-air baths, zoos, open-air museums.

  • The services can operate without restrictions.

  • Indoor sports training and events are permitted in professional, amateur and mass sports.

  • Funerals, weddings, worship services can be performed according to the above rules.

  • Restrictions on private medical care will be lifted from May 4.

  • In public health, restrictions are gradually lifted in four steps.


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