Poultry Already Being Killed in Three Counties for Avian Flu


Avian influenza also appeared in Békés County: in Battonya, experts began to eradicate a flock of approximately 23,500 turkeys for fattening, and in Nagykamaras, experts began to eradicate a flock of almost 10,000 geese, MTI wrote in reference to the National Office of Food Chain Safety (Nébih).

The Nebih draws the attention of poultry farmers to greater compliance with epidemiological standards. After Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád counties, Békés is the third county where the disease appeared.

The authority has also designated a protection and surveillance zone. The ongoing epidemiological investigation will reveal the reasons for the disease outbreak, the authority wrote.

Since the avian influenza outbreak on March 25, the disease has appeared on 241 farms in Bács-Kiskun, Csongrád and now Békés counties. Nébih wrote that veterinary professionals are taking all necessary official measures, but in order to stem the spread of the epidemic, responsible behavior by animal keepers has also been brought to this attention.

Poultry must be kept indoors, and animals must be fed and watered indoors as a minimum condition for disease control, and food and garbage must be stored indoors. Greater attention should also be paid to passenger and vehicle traffic, and to the complete and continuous disinfection of food vehicles. Especially since, based on epidemiological investigations, in several cases, for example in relation to the current outbreaks in Békés county, food transport vehicles are likely to have played a role in the spread of the epidemic, Nébih notes. .

The H5N8 virus strain first caused an epidemic in poultry in early 2014 in Asia and then in Europe in November 2014. The last time Hungary had to fight the disease was in 2016-2017.
