Index – Domestic – All danger nullifies my fear of giving birth


They had an idea, but they say they really don’t know what an ideal pregnancy is: fear of childbirth has been replaced by anxiety about the coronavirus, and there is constant uncertainty as to whether they will have to go through labor and delivery alone in the end, or at least Can one of them be accompanied? Pregnant mothers expecting their first child due to a coronavirus epidemic are now in an unusually precarious position. Pregnancy care sometimes rumbles, information is sparse, and not uniform at all.

National Medical Director Cecília Müller repeatedly emphasized at the operational tribe briefing that expectant mothers have the right to give birth to their father. The Rules of Procedure, issued on March 21, also establish that ‘the only exception to the prohibition of visits to

the one that can stay in the clinic building during labor and delivery. “

In the case of planned births with a doula, it must be chosen whether the relative or doula goes with the future mother. However, this is only a recommendation. Hospitals across the country make their own decisions about whether to admit an escort with a pregnant woman. In Budapest, paternal labor has already been interrupted or restricted in several hospitals, but in Győr, Mosonmagyaróvár and the Borsod-Abaúj Zemplén County Hospital (Miskolc), there can be no one with the female mothers. We asked the Ministry of Human Resources (Emmi) why there is no uniform procedure and how many hospitals currently have assistants completely excluded from delivery, but we have not received a response for days.

“I don’t know what a normal pregnancy is like, but I had an idea about it”

At St. Imre Hospital in Budapest, paternal labor was completely banned for a few days in March, “then I cried for 24 hours,” Judit Fónagy, scheduled for April 22 with her first baby, told Index. Later, the total restriction was lifted, but the fathers cannot be there with their mothers during childbirth. Also, Judith would not have been able to give birth in her doctor’s office if her gynecologist had seen her in the hospital the same day she started giving birth.

An escort is not supported during delivery, only in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Semmelweis University, but pregnant women can still be born with a doctor and a midwife. Réka Somlóvári expects her first baby until May 20, they do not plan to give birth to her father, her sister would help, but according to her, until the epidemic reaches its peak,

Hospitals take arbitrary action, which obviously doesn’t please me because it would have been the first baby and it would have been nice to support a family member.

She knows that the rapid coronavirus test has already been introduced at the Semmelweis University Women’s Clinic and is performed on all pregnant women, however, women are required to wear a mask throughout labor and after delivery. “They could make concessions. If, for example, the maternity test is negative, we should not wear a mask, as it is well known that pregnant women have symptoms of shortness of breath, I experience it for myself. People with asthma, panic, or allergies are especially terrified of this, “he says.

And you don’t have to be afraid to wear the mask, because you can “get used to it,” says Ferenc Bánhidy, director general of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Semmelweis University. In addition to the discomfort of childbirth, the doctor says to wear a dwarf mask anyway.

In addition, we protect your health. In addition to health workers who regularly undergo Covid screening, mothers undergo testing when they enter the clinic.

Ferenc Bánhidy said. True, she adds, the evaluation result may be a little later than the period during labor.

According to expectant mothers reporting to the Index, there are bumps during pregnancy care, which can be saved for a lot of money, in private practice, of course. Judit Fónagy says she did not face too many difficulties despite the epidemic, although she had already spent most of her pregnancy care even before the emergency was declared.

However, due to Réka’s mild heart problem, there is still a cardiac exam left, but he still doesn’t know where it will be done. “In Korányi, the doctor is now at home with the children, in the János Hospital, where we belong, the Cardiology Department has been transformed into an infectious department. Can I probably ask for a private order or ask SOTE if they will? “, Said. The private order for Mária Holló was also maintained. In a 33-year-old woman, blood glucose tests during exercise revealed a low thyroid value. “According to the protocol, the future mother must go to endocrinology in this case, where she will be consulted and, if necessary, given medication,” says the woman, who is expecting her first child by the end of June.

I called the hospital, but they shook me on the phone, I no longer dared to go in person, I finally found a private order. This is sad because I just had to look at my lab results and write a recipe.


In addition, she runs the risk of becoming pregnant, for which she has been assigned a salary for illness. You would have to test this monthly with a specialized opinion, but due to the emergency, this is practically impossible. Hospitals have discontinued childbirth preparation courses, and parents are no longer admitted to ultrasound exams by private order.

The fact that you can’t see your child on the ultrasound either is difficult. But there are grandparents who cannot be with me, anyway they cannot experience what I was prepared for. I was preparing for my mother to be by my side throughout the pregnancy, stroking my belly, shopping, nothing compared to that. Zero. All danger cancels out the fear of childbirth.

Mária Holló says. “Obviously everyone is going to be born somehow, since I still don’t have a son left, but somehow I can’t even prepare for that anymore.” I don’t know what a normal pregnancy is like, but I had an idea about it. There was an ideal situation that does not exist now. “

They also pause the declaration of paternity, which means that if the parents are not married and did not arrange the declaration of paternity before the emergency was declared, the baby will now be automatically placed in the mother’s name. “You can get married, you can die, okay!

I ask, what is the difference between getting married and making a statement in this case? Both can only be concluded in person. Why let one go and why not the other?

Barbara got up. Several of our readers have written about the problem. Judit Fónagy also ran to him in the offices at least four times to obtain the official documents. “Spiritually, maybe that’s what you dress best because it would have been important to me for the boy to be named after the father. But they said don’t worry, there would be no problem. There will be no trace of him being in my name because it is possible. make a declaration of paternity later, which has a retroactive effect, “he said.

Since the emergency declaration, pregnant women have only been able to stay in touch with the nurses by phone or online. “However, there is no weight measurement or personal training, nor can the specialist verify if the parents have received everything for the arrival of the baby. Not to mention that you can no longer buy everything, “says Mária Holló.

Strollers no longer arrive from Poland, and children have to wait a minimum of 4-6 weeks to deliver their furniture. Vitamin K is normally a deficiency element, and since it has become widespread in the public consciousness that Octenisept is good against the coronavirus, it cannot be obtained. However, it is a wound disinfectant that is administered to care for the umbilical cord.

It is also difficult to access the so-called paternal delivery kit. And if this is not the case, the possibility of the parent or the assistant being in labor is completely lost. This is because hospitals do not provide this.

The system was not uniform even in peacetime.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Semmelweis University also uses the lock access system and patient care procedures that the university has developed. “We adapt to this, and from this we build our own order, because obstetrics is still a different profession than, say, orthopedic surgery, where conditions and tasks are completely different,” says Ferenc Bánhidy. The reason why there is no uniform procedure across the country, says the professor, is probably also due to the fact that obstetrics did not operate on exactly the same principles before the coronavirus epidemic. “We have had an imperial paternal birth for a long time, but it has only recently been introduced in many hospitals.”

Incidentally, this was temporarily suspended in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Semmelweis University. And escorts can only be with pregnant women once they have moved into the individual maternity rooms. The clinic’s Baross Street section currently has five individual delivery rooms and a triple delivery room, while the Üllői út section has four individual delivery rooms and a delivery room where six can stay at the same time.

Given the virus, we will not allow anyone other than mothers and medical personnel to be in labor. We assume that with the participation of the companion, we would increase the possibility of a possible spread of the virus.

“In the case of delivery in a larger room where there are several workers, the relatives cannot be there with the future mothers because we do not know if the relatives are infected with the virus and, therefore, we could endanger the others future mothers, “said the teacher.

The number of complications is reduced by the presence of the father.

Although the expectant mothers who reported to the Index also discussed the ups and downs of the epidemic, they are basically trying not to hinder the situation. And that is important, says Eva Valter. She has led complex childbirth preparation programs for over ten years and teaches maternity yoga classes. Now he encourages them to try to accept what they cannot change, but they do their best to make the best of the circumstances.

Overall, I’ve found that pregnant women are on the spin, working their eight hours, without even stopping until week 36. And you need to slow down a bit to give birth and have a baby. And now is exactly the time and the opportunity

Eva Valter says.

Many fear that the parent-child relationship will be damaged if the parent cannot see or hold the newborn in their hands for two or three days, but today psychology also recognizes that it has overestimated the importance of early attachment. Deep attachment has been shown to consist of continued care, caring, and love, according to the expert. By excluding escorts from the workforce, they, in turn, make things very difficult for mothers. “The first delivery usually lasts nine hours. During this time, pregnant women don’t always get a maternity room in the hospital right away, and it’s terribly exhausting to do it alone, ”says Éva Valter.

It is no coincidence that we prepare parents for childbirth so that they can be there like a quasidula next to their partner. By allowing the woman to move inward in the birthing process, they are constantly watching when to water, feed, hold, change work positions, or massage if the future mother likes her. Everyone can amazingly improve their birthing experience to be positive.

“A midwife looks at her pregnant mother three or four times in nine hours, ideally. She will not feed or drink water, even if she is adopted by a midwife. Therefore, they cannot provide the level of physical abundance that a father or a relative can provide to the mother woman, “believes the expert. Furthermore, research shows that

The number of complications is significantly reduced by the presence of the father.

In many cases, she is the closest person to the future mother, with whom the woman can let go, with whom she has the deepest intimate relationship and with whom she feels safe.

However, there is no guarantee at all now, so the deliveries try to prepare the parents with Plan C in case the expectant mother is completely isolated from the outside world. Eva Valter says that in peacetime there is also the possibility that the emperor: “Normally I emphasize that Plan B must be taken into account. Especially that the proportion of emperors in Hungarian hospitals is 30-50 percent, which is another way should be 18 percent. Now it comes down to it, so if the expectant mother goes to the hospital, she gets tested, it turns out she’s infected with a coronavirus and her partner is no longer admitted. What are the options?

Your husband or partner can still be in contact with you on your phone or tablet. Technically, create the opportunity to at least help with your voice, to see, even if you can’t stand it. The maternity mother should also project this Plan C in front of her so that she is not scared, whatever she is facing in the hospital.

According to the expert, it is necessary to mentally try to prepare for these possible versions so that none of the situations affects mothers too much.

(Cover image: Zsolt Czeglédi / MTI)
