New nurseries will be opened, masks will be distributed, local governments will help those in need


New daycares are opening in several large cities to supervise children, masks to protect against coronavirus infection are being distributed across the country, and local governments are helping the elderly and those in need.

Székesfehérvár Due to increasing demands, another guard kindergarten was opened as of Monday. According to local government information, in addition to the nursery on Tolnai Street, the Napsugár nursery also welcomes children in an emergency situation, there are still no changes in the nurseries.

Debrecen changes in kindergarten duty range of care institutions: the five designated nurseries will be replaced by eight other nurseries from May 4, the municipal press service told MTI. In the city, parents may still request meals for kindergarten and school students, as well as on-call care, which they can request through their own institution, they added.

pecs too Expand the guard system for kindergartens. The number of places will increase from nine to twelve, and twenty-five will receive children instead of seventeen groups, regardless of whether they go to an institution maintained by the city, the private or the church, the municipality said in a statement.

Mohácson In the coming days, two stitched protective textiles from each medical home, sewn and disinfected, will be delivered to people living in the city of the Danube, Mayor Ferenc Csorbai said on his community page.

Szeged According to the mayor’s office, the number of trolley and trolleybus services will double on all lines during graduation exam week, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. at 8:30 p.m. and from 1 p.m. at 2:50 p.m.

In the city, on the banks of the Tisza, the Szeged First Lions Club and the Szent-Györgyi Albert Rotary Club Szeged donated a thousand FFP2 masks to general practitioners, home pediatricians, and staff of residential institutions caring for the elderly.

In Pásztó, Nógrád County Online education began for children who were unable to participate in the digital curriculum at home without a lack of tools or learning assistance, said the program’s professional leader. Tünde Váczi said: in the Csillag tér community space, internet access, the desk and computer access have personal supervision and distance learning.

The quiet village in Kötegyán county – As reported by Hajdu-Szucs Maria Cornelia Mayor – those graduates who do not have protective equipment, masks may need to disinfect the party room. Volunteers from the South Peace Rescue Group distributed 1,500 mouth masks and 4,000 liters of disinfectant to more than 500 people in Szabadkígyós, they said on their community page.

szolnok Specialists at the Cardiology Center at Hetényi Géza Hospital provide telephone help to cardiovascular patients and people with high blood pressure, helping cardiology patients in the region to receive adequate care even during the epidemic, the institution wrote on its website. The center is available Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. at 2 p.m. and on Fridays from 9 a.m. at 12 p.m., at 20 / 435-9103.

Miskolc Health and social professionals living in the city have launched a support and information service. The press department of the mayor’s office told MTI: +36 70 622 8565 for health problems and +36 70 421 4447 for social problems. Questions can be asked to volunteer helpers by email at [email protected].

Sopron Township It extended the care program for the elderly introduced for people with disabilities and people with reduced mobility. This means that those affected can also ask the municipality for help to buy food and medicine and to stock up, said Mayor Farkas Ciprián on his community page.

In Csurgó, Somogy County A coronavirus pre-detection tent was installed at the entrance to the emergency department of the microregional outpatient specialty care center to prevent coronavirus-infected patients from entering the building. In the city of Somogy, fundraising was also started for families in financial difficulties due to the epidemic. The grants are expected to be donated to the Csurgó Sunshine Association fundraising account, and the money will be used to purchase durable food packages.
