91 patients died, the number of infected people in Hungary increased by 3334


91 died, mostly elderly, chronic patients, and another 3,334 Hungarian citizens were diagnosed with the coronavirus infection, koronavirus.gov.hu ​​said on Monday.

We are updating our article.

The government portal wrote: The number of infected people identified in Hungary increased to 177,952. The death toll reached 3,891 and 43,339 had already been cured.

The number of actively infected people is 130,722.22 percent of those actively infected, 25 percent of the dead and 26 percent of those recovered are from Budapest. 7,461 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 627 of which are connected to ventilators.

There are 42,071 in official national quarantine and the number of samples has increased to 1,518,158.

Currently, operational staff ordered extraordinary breaks in 178 kindergarten groups and 136 kindergartens, as well as digital curricula in 71 elementary schools, 388 school classes, and 43 elementary schools.

  • Starting today, the commercial P + R, parking lot, parking lot, closed surface parking and non-closed surface parking can be used free of charge from 7 pm to 7 am. The facility operator is obliged to allow free parking during this time zone.
  • There is still a curfew between 8 pm and 5 am, everyone must arrive home by 8 pm So far, the police have acted in a total of 5,660 cases for violating the curfew.
  • Stores, with the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, can stay open until 7pm and after curfew expires, so they can open at 5am at the earliest.
  • The regulations introduced so far on the use and maintenance of distance remain in force, with the obligation to wear a mask in some public areas of settlements with more than 10,000 inhabitants.
  • All meetings are prohibited. Restaurants cannot accept guests, they can only stay there to bring food. The hotel cannot accept tourists, only guests arriving for business, economic or educational reasons. It is forbidden to carry out any type of event, including cultural events and Christmas fairs. Sports matches must be held behind closed doors. The use of leisure facilities, including in particular fitness rooms, indoor swimming pools, museums, libraries, cinemas and zoos, skating rinks, is prohibited.

Featured Image: Rebecca Csóti / 24.hu
