90 percent of nurses and nurses were infected with coronavirus


Terrible conditions prevail due to the corona virus at the Csokonai Street site of the Baross Street Nursing Home, which is maintained in the capital, so the management of the institution signed a confidentiality agreement with the employees, reported the source of Origo. After seven of the eight nurses who work here were infected with the virus, the operation of the institution was on the verge of collapse. Therefore, the management tried to resolve the situation with temporary nurses and professionals from the Baross Street Center. According to our informant, this failed: patient care remained stagnant, a man with a chronic illness was forced to work, and residents’ clothes were not washed regularly. He sees that the responsibility lies entirely with management. After the Budapest management did not provide information on the matter for weeks, Origo asked Gergely Karácsony questions. We received no response, but after our letter was sent, a notice was promptly sent to Budapest.hu regarding the results of the alleged investigation.

In mid-October news came that there were many patients at the Barok Street Nursing Home on Csokonai Street. According to press reports, the tests of eleven residents and two workers came back positive.

The capital then ordered an epidemiological surveillance, which was followed by another official test two weeks later. The result was astonishing: forty-four of the fifty elderly residents of the institution were infected with the coronavirus and four died. As official tests showed a high infection rate, the capital launched an investigation into what happened. But for a long time there was a great silence on the matter, the local government led by Gergely Karácsony did not provide information.

Serious human shortage

“Terrible and dramatic conditions prevail on Csokonai Street, it is no coincidence that the silence is very great” said Origo’s informant, who knows the asylum from within. As you said, the Baross Street Nursing Home has three sites, one is the Csokonai Street institution, which originally had a capacity of fifty-six people (due to the virus, this number was reduced to fifty-one because a room was reserved separated).

As the words of our source show, the nursing home was not adequately prepared for the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.

First, two workers got sick and, in early October, even several nurses tested negative. But after that, the virus could not be prevented from spreading on Csokonai Street, so seven out of eight nurses contracted the virus. Only one of them remained standing

– He said.

The Baross Street Nursing Home is located on Csokonai StreetPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

According to

diseases have caused a huge shortage of people among medical personnel. Efforts were made to replace the laid off workers with “hired sisters” (ie hired) and redirected nurses from the Baross Street Center.

This can be a problem because the nurses headed to a “wild foreign district” do not know the residents, so they cannot provide professional care to the patients. According to him, the management of the institution shows the desperation of trying to motivate the new workforce with cakes and free Coca-Cola, although before this was not typical. It is already infected among the new ones.

She also reported that patients were segregated in the nursing home: those who tested negative on the ground floor, those who tested positive and symptomatic on the first floor, and those who were “on their way home” with both negative tests on the second. floor.

Patient care is stagnant

The situation is well illustrated by the fact that, according to our informant, when a nursing home employee came to work last Monday, the elderly caregivers were usually “overwhelmed”, very happy for him. “The residents would need serious spiritual support, but the institution cannot provide that for them now.” he said angrily, adding that

Due to severe shortages, health care for the elderly is currently hampered.

That is, there are a total of six nurses on duty who take turns in pairs, they have to attend to 51 patients in the institution. He said the line-up was as follows: Two previously infected employees reapplied for work, one of the nurses did not contract the virus at all, and the center redirected three workers. “It’s kind of sweet, many can’t do the job normally.” he commented, adding that there is a “great beheading” on Csokonai Street, so it will be difficult to get out of it.

He sees that the “substitutes” do not perform their work at the same level as the laid off workers. Inside the walls of the institution, rumors spread that redirected nurses had repeatedly stated that it was not their job to wash elderly patients. It is said that on several occasions the clothes were not washed. “Even if they did, the clothes may not have been returned to their owners. There were examples of women’s clothing found on a male resident. Things just get mixed up “ he said.

Photo: Sándor Csudai – Origo

Explaining another terrifying story, he said that the shortage of people was so great that one of his acquaintances, who had a chronic illness, was diabetic, had high blood pressure and had a heart attack, was redirected to work on Csokonai Street in front of the news of a reduction in staff. “Of course he contracted the coronavirus, so now he is sick in his bed” he added sadly. His words also revealed that the man had been taken over as maintenance man, as no one had held the position for months.

Management is to blame

“From above we were instructed to listen to the secrets of Csokonai Street. It was not even by accident that they were asked to try to resolve the situation, but to remain silent.” He repeated, perplexed, that the institution’s staff had been instructed to remain silent. He also found it strange that management had signed a document with the employees ordering them to stay home. “We didn’t go to the theater, we didn’t go anywhere. I didn’t meet my family.” he said irritably, the unusual command.

Management is clearly responsible for the situation.

said Origo’s source, who assured that this was supported by a secret change at the head of the nursing home. As explained, Dobrainé Csernus Erzsébet, the director of the Csokonai Street institution was suspended from his post and the director of the Kamaraerdei Úti Nursing Home was transferred to his place.

According to the capital, there are no problems

As can be seen from the above, the situation remains serious at the Baross Street Nursing Home on Csokonai Street: there are few specialists, many residents and workers infected. However, the left-wing capital has been silent about it for a long time, the only thing that has been known for a long time was that some kind of investigation had been initiated into what happened in Csokonai Street. However, exactly what Christmas was investigating didn’t exactly turn out.

That is why Origo contacted the capital with questions, but to date no response has been received. We wanted to know:

  • How do you explain that forty-four of the fifty people cared for at the Csokonai Street nursing home and seven of their eight sisters were infected with the coronavirus?
  • Who is responsible for the high infection rate in the institution? Has substantive action been taken in this regard?
  • What is the reason for not disclosing the results of the investigation?

Our letter was sent to the official press speech of the mayor and the municipality on Friday at 9:59 p.m. For the miracle of miracles, a concise announcement was published in Budapest.hu on the same day, in which the communication department of the capital explained that everything around the institution is in the highest order. What are the chances that they will accidentally reach the end of the investigation just when we send the notice, and will a six-line notice be issued about it?

Shortly after Origo’s questions, the capital municipality closed it and carried it out at the same time. “An investigation into COVID-19 diseases at the Csokonai Street site of the Baross Street Nursing Home.” The report revealed that the capital, unlike our source, saw no objection to the operation of the institution. Thus, the case had no personal consequences: the suspension of Erzsébet Dobrainé Csernus, head of the institution, was lifted, who “can re-direct the residence with full authority.”

Although the end of the communication was more critical when it was written that “future work at the institution more effective epidemiological control in close professional cooperation with the maintainer. “

Certainly, with 90 percent of the institution’s residents and nurses infected, it is not difficult to defend yourself more effectively.
