8 photos that show how people used to be different in the past – they looked like adults when they were 14 years old – woman and man


Each era has its own fashion and uniqueness, which also greatly influences the appearance of people. But when looking at youthful images of the elderly today, many are asked: why did they seem so much more mature than their age even then?

Of course, a lot has changed since then, and we see the world from a completely different perspective than people lived decades ago, but not just fashion, but there are other reasons why even children looked like adults at the time. .

They used to be old differently

The different pace of physical development and the older appearance were also partly due to the fact that in the early and mid-20th century, people had a very different quality of life than they do now. During the world wars, they ate poorer, they had fewer vitamins and nutrients, so their skin changed prematurely, fading, sagging. The frequent manual, physical work did not spare them even since adolescence, and the long hours in the sun do not pass without a trace. It is very difficult to tell the actual age from the photographs of the youngsters at that time, as they appear to be in their thirties or forties than adolescents.

In vain you are good, not good enough! In the captivity of our addictions

The first guest of the new season of the Femina Club will be the addicted doctor Gábor Zacher, with whom the housewife of the evenings, Nóra Szily, will talk. They help us understand our addictions and why. We also receive practical advice to pay more attention to ourselves and our environment and to eliminate these harmful habits and circumstances from our lives.

The exact details of the night can be found here..

Tickets are only available online, a limited number.

Date: October 20, 2020 at 6 pm
Place: József Attila Theater


(Image Source: Reddit)
