746 health workers were transferred to other hospitals because of the coronavirus


A total of 746 workers from 74 health facilities were transferred to the 12 hospitals where people infected with the coronavirus are treated, the national medical director said at the operative tribe’s press conference on Thursday. These include nurses, professionals, intensive care nurses, and doctors.

Müller Cecília He stated that the purpose of the transfers is to allow the institutions outside the epidemiological management to continue the planned care. As he said, the principle is to keep people infected with coronavirus in as few hospitals as possible to prevent further illness and the spread of the epidemic. It also turned out that there are institutions already operating at full capacity, with 804 coronavirus patients being treated in hospitals and 56 with ventilators.

Speaking about the data from the last 24 hours, Cecília Müller said that a 37-year-old was the youngest of the 21 patients who died, and all those who died also had a chronic disease. There were also patients with cardiovascular diseases, metabolism and cancer and respiratory diseases.

According to the National Medical Director, there is a dynamic change in defense around the world, with a sudden shortage of capacity in care systems, so real-time reports were ordered to hospitals. At the same time, he said, it may give some confidence that the amount of coronavirus hereditary material in the analyzed wastewater samples is stagnant, which may show relief.

He spoke of the 39-year-old deceased professor he was looking for, he said, in the press because he was not included in the statistics. Cecília Müller said they know about the case, but their identification is in process because they are trying to provide authentic data.

The press conference also revealed that the flu vaccine will be available from October 20. Two of them will be available for free.

Featured Image: MTI / kormany.hu / Gergely Botár
