370 thousand people will be tested in the next few days in Hungary, in almost 17 thousand locations


The testing program that will begin on Friday will involve the testing of some 370,000 people in more than 16,000 locations, the Secretary of State for Regional Administration, István György, announced on Friday at the information session of the Operational Staff. He said the study was voluntary, but asked those involved to show up at the test site and participate in it. According to Cecília Müller, the latest infection data shows a downward trend due to the discipline of the population, and the use of a mask is effective in slowing the spread of the epidemic. It takes two weeks to find out what the restrictions will lead to.

Testing in social institutions began on Friday, István György announced. The tests will start first in social institutions and then next week in kindergartens, kindergartens, schools and health facilities.

A total of 16,691 sites surveyed about 370,000 people.

Serious preparatory work preceded the test, which is carried out in kindergartens, among teachers at the county level, in the organization of the capital and county government offices. A total of 1,000 sampling teams participate in the screening nationwide, and workers are evaluated with a rapid antigen test. The government is also asking for the help of medical students in this unprecedented operation, György said.

The big tests at the national level begin (illustration)Source: MTI / Zoltán Máthé

15,000 locations in one week

The purpose of detection is to protect human lives, reduce the spread of the virus and obtain a complete picture of the viral situation in this area. Each unit reaches three locations per day. Colleges must provide two medical students per unit for each unit. Government offices provide one administrative staff member and one driver. It will be the government offices that will group the institutions to visit.

A unit must reach three locations in one day. Thus, a thousand units can reach three thousand locations in one day and 15 thousand locations in five days. They will be tested in schools and nurseries, kindergartens on weekdays and in social institutions on weekends. Logistics are provided by government offices, including test protection vehicles and equipment. Parts of the protective equipment: plexiglass, FFP2 mask, gloves – said the Secretary of State.

Students receive a daily rate of HUF 5,000 and a weekend rate of HUF 7,500.

They also receive daily meals and accommodation if required. Teams are exchanged every two weeks and time spent here is also counted as credits.

Students have already been notified through Neptune and will be informed by phone and email. Anyone who is positive should go to home quarantine and notify their GP.

Extensive social cooperation preceded the tests, with the participation of ITM, government offices and medical universities, István György finally said.

The latest data is getting better

Presenting the latest data, Cecília Müller, national medical director, said that a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) had been detected in 4,440 Hungarian citizens in the last 24 hours, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 165,901.

96 patients died, bringing the death toll to 3,568. And 38,074 had already been cured. The number of active infections is 124,259. There are currently 7,512 hospitalized coronavirus patients, 604 of whom are on ventilators.

These figures are more favorable than before, which is also due to more disciplined use of masks.

– but no conclusions can yet be drawn from this, as the results will be visible two weeks after the imposition of the measures.

Since the outbreak, 26 percent of social institutions, or 417 households, have registered infections. These ranged in number from one case to 60 percent infection. There are six institutions that also participated in the first wave.

5,940 positive cases were registered in social institutions, which represents 6 percent of all patients. Since the beginning of the epidemic in the spring, 1,175 people have needed hospital care and 586 people have died.

Many have violated the curfewPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

Hundreds violated curfew

Police have taken action against 327 people in the past 24 hours for violating the curfew, the deputy chief of the Response Center of the Coronavirus Outbreak Operative Tribunal said at an online press conference on Friday. Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss said that 326 had actually violated this restriction and that one of them had not complied with the five hundred meter walk rule.

Since the curfew came into effect on November 4 and the curfew has been in effect since November 10, 4,364 people have been prosecuted for violating the curfew and curfew rules. The lieutenant colonel explained.

On Thursday, measures were taken against 345 people for not wearing the mask correctly or incorrectly. In most cases, 299 times, in settlements with a population of more than 10,000 inhabitants, the local ordinance was not followed due to irregularities. Of these, 94 were warned, 135 people were fined on the spot and 70 were shelved, the lieutenant colonel said.

Five people were processed in public transport and at stops, and 40 people in stores and shopping centers for non-compliance with the rules on the use of masks.

He explained that on Thursday the regulations on the limited opening hours of shops and service providers were also reviewed, deciding to close six of those places, five of which were held in the capital. So far, a total of 65 seats have been closed for non-compliance.

In the last 24 hours, the official home quarantine of 7671 was ordered, so a total of 42,241 are in official home quarantine. Of these, 3,907 committed to having the police electronically verify compliance with quarantine regulations. The police have acted 66 times on Thursday for violations of the regulations on the transit of foreigners, and a total of 6,142 since it came into force on September 1, announced Róbert Kiss.

Acute patients do not receive vaccination

Anyone with an acute illness will not receive the flu vaccine. Anyone who is quarantined as a close contact or coronavirus is also not. However, it is not necessary to be sure of the current condition, as it is not proven for other infectious diseases, there is no additional risk that we have vaccinated an asymptomatic person.

Cecília Müller asked.

Members of competitive sports teams may be present at the accommodation or competition venue. They can travel in groups. Everyone should have a negative test before meetings Robert Kiss asked.
