33 kindergartens and 6 schools have a digital break for extraordinary breaks, 121 classes and five complete schools


The epidemic curve is showing an accelerated pace across Europe, we are on the rise of the second wave, said the Operational Court in a briefing on Tuesday.

Róbert Kiss, employee of the Operations Staff of the Operative General Staff, said at the beginning of the briefing that in the last 24 hours there have been 43 police actions for violations of the epidemiological protection measures established in the government decree and violations in institutions commercial. used the mask, in 16 cases a warning was sufficient, in 4 cases a violation report was made.

In the case of violation of protection measures on the territory of commercial institutions, public services and other places specified by law, 23 police measures were implemented, warnings were issued against 17 people, fines were imposed on 3 people. and 3 people were reported rape, Kiss added. Robert.

The official internal quarantine has also been continuously monitored for the past 24 hours, with 11,290 on-site inspections. Yesterday, 2,787 official home quarantines were ordered, of which 556 were ordered at the border upon entering Hungary, bringing the number of official home quarantines in force to 22,906. The mobile phone application for the electronic control of the official home quarantine was downloaded today in 1182. Since March, 472 penalties have been imposed for violating epidemiological regulations, of which 82 suspects have been questioned so far.

Since the entry into force of the Government Decree on protection measures during the epidemic period on September 21, a total of 599 police actions have had to be taken for irregularities.

Violations of the traffic rule have been dealt with in 58 cases in the last 24 hours. We do not have to wait a long wait at the border, the waiting time is 3 hours in Röszke and 2 hours in Beregsurány.

Cecília Müller, national medical director, presented today’s data. It can be seen that, as in the world, the number of infected and dead is increasing in our country. 12,394 PCR tests have been performed in the last 24 hours and 740,043 tests have been performed in designated laboratories since the start of the epidemic. Yesterday, the government confirmed its intention to continue providing funds for laboratory tests, she added.

We are in an ascending phase of the second wave that does not spare any country, the epidemic curve is accelerating. The numbers are also growing in our environment, such as Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, Czech Republic and Poland. In France, the number of new infections is close to 14,000, in Holland, which is similar to ours, every day more than 3,000 cases are identified and we must do everything possible to prevent it.

There are three basic rules:

distance, use of mask, hand washing.

The deaths ranged from 61 to 94 years old, with most suffering from cardiovascular disease in the past 24 hours. We wake up for ourselves, for our own health, advises the medical director, consult our doctor if necessary. Regular doctors should take their daily medications well in advance.

Public transport woman in Budapest on October 2, 2020 (illustration)Photo: Sándor Csudai – Origo

Cecília Müller highlighted the importance of trusting doctors. If chronic diseases are kept in balance, they are less likely to be severely affected by the coronavirus. It is important to take vitamins and drink enough fluids, this is especially true for the elderly who drink little fluids and have different thirst. Once the flu vaccine is available, it should be given to both chronic and elderly patients, but it is also recommended for others and is free anyway. Flu vaccines will be available from the second half of October, and those who want to self-administer must request them beforehand.

The Operational Staff has ordered extraordinary breaks in 33 kindergartens and 6 schools, and there are digital work schedules for 121 classes and five entire schools. School thermometry has started. If the father does not realize that the child has a fever and still takes him to the educational institution, take him home immediately, the chief doctor asked. With a 37.8 degree pause after 10 minutes, another measurement is required.

There were no reports that the ban on visits to hospitals or social institutions was violated, Cecília Müller said.

Favipiravir is very effective in the early period, especially in moderate cases, but it is still in the experimental phase. Used in hospitals, it cannot be taken at home.
How seasonal Covid will be is not yet known, but it will spread much more indoors, and since we stay indoors a lot in the fall and winter, as far as we know, great care must be taken.

1,243 health workers have fallen ill since March, there are currently 481 active cases, 752 recovered and a total of 1 fatal. 2.23 percent of active patients are healthcare workers, which is a low number, summed up by the nation’s chief medical officer, who again thanked healthcare workers for their work.
