2I / Borisov is not a standard stks


The origin of 2I / Borisov from outside the Solar System was presented by an author of a new study on a “cold and stagnant man”. It is not known to be a standard stunk, its composition is different from the stks formed in our solar system.

2I / Borisov visits the solar system for the second known star. The object called Oumuamua was discovered in 2017, the cigar-shaped rock passed 38 million km from the Sun before leaving the Solar System. 2I / Borisov was discovered last August by a Krmi amateur star, Gennady Borisov. In October, Hubble installed 177,000 kilometers in the solar system, one kilometer wide.

Due to the extremely strange open shape of the Oumuamua, some people got together after the asteroid’s discovery that it could be an artificial object.Source: ESO

The construction of 2I / Borisov is known to be surprisingly different from the other stems formed in the Solar System. The steam emitted inside contains a large amount of carbon monoxide, in a much higher concentration than the cells of the solar system. Such a high concentration of carbon monoxide indicates that the object contains a large amount of carbon monoxide ice, explained by the asterisks.
Color monoxide, which is toxic to humans, often turns off on the skin and forms ice in colder places. The presence of so many carbon monoxides, according to research, suggests that 2I / Borisov formed mskppen like the stars in our solar system – the cheese star system in very cold weather or in a stellar environment much colder than our sun.

2I / Borisov image photographed by the Gemini multi-object spectrograph at the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii.Forrs: https://phys.org/news/2019-09-interstellar-visitor-2iborisov.html

The sticks are generally like a dirty ball, frozen in steam, rocks and dust, and stars circulate. Dennis Bodewits, a planetary researcher at Auburn University in Alabama, author of one of two studies published in Nature Astronomy, 2I / Borisov, said they like to refer to the stks as “a man from a cold and cold place.”
According to his explanation, stksk were formed from the elements that survived the formation of the planet. Researchers now have an opportunity to determine the chemical structure of a non-solar system.
According to Bodewits

The spines may have extended from a well-formed star into a ring of circulating vapor rich in color monoxide.

The star may have been a cooler, smaller M-type triple star than our day, the smallest known star.

2I / Borisov stks tja in the Solar System t.Forrs: https://phys.org/news/2019-10-astronomers-cyanide-gas-interstellar-2iborisov.html

For the first time, scientists thought 2I / Borisov was similar to the components of our solar system, but an analysis by Hubble and an image from a Chilean observatory showed differences. However, it has also been found to contain hydrogen cyanide, as well as solstices from our solar system.
“This indicates that 2I / Borisov is not a completely foreign object, it confirms that it has something in common with our work, that the conditions for its creation are similar to the way our work was created,” said Martin Cordiner, author of another I study at NASA in Maryland. Goddard rrepl Center astrobiologist.

(Source: MTI)
