2998 the number of coronary artery infections identified in Hungary


New Hungarian citizens were diagnosed with a new coronary virus infection, increasing the number of infections identified in Hungary by 2,998. More than 5 elderly patients died the day before the government information portal.

Like rjk, the number of deaths increased by 340 fre, and 629 released from the krhz. There are 1,005 patients with coronary heart disease, 51 of whom are ventilated. Due to the increase in the number of patients, the teams prepared for the spread of massive diseases and increased their capacity.

Source: koronavirus.gov.hu

The following anonymous information about the victims was made available on the government’s information portal:

72 of men: chronic obstructive disease, inflammation, chronic kidney failure, nicotine poisoning, brain calcification, femoral neck
71 you see frfi: hypertension, diabetes, cerebral palsy, cirrhosis
63 times n: chronic disease, malignancy
78 see ffi: heart failure
78 times n: Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, high blood pressure

We are still in the group disease stage when In the community, the infection is spread through personal contact. In Hungary, the virus can be present in many places. The number of actual vectors they can infect is much greater than the identified coronary virus infections. Therefore, protection should also begin in the second stage, when restriction rules come into effect in the field, it is important to follow the recommendations and rules to increase protection for elderly and chronic patients.

As you can see from the previous victim data, the coronary artery is the most dangerous for the elderly, therefore, the elderly continue to be forced to leave their homes with care. Retirement homes are being inspected, and the administration and reserves of the institutions are seeking greater and continuous implementation of legal measures.
