250 megapixel Samsung camera sensor is also available


The 150 megapixel sensor for mobile phones is almost complete, and the 250 megapixel update has started.

Samsung has said it wants to increase the 600-megapixel resolution of image management sensors in smartphones, which is considered equal to the human eye. Of course, we have to wait a long time for the 600 megapixel sensors, but maybe not as long as we thought at first.

Source: CNET

Today, due to commercialization, the 108 megapixel camera has become a mobile phone in the world of mobile phones, Samsung is still being manufactured, and the 150 megapixel sensor is reportedly also being available. Xiaomi will use it in a new mobile phone this year, and Samsung is working on a 250-megapixel camera sensor, according to other sources. The Galaxy S20 Ultra’s 108-megapixel sensor can measure 1 / 1.33 inches at a time, while the 250-megapixel sensor can measure more than 1/1 inch.

The big question is how long will the company ramp up megapixel wine, as the thing has a lot of downsides in that the many megapixels sound good and the dots combine with the best average quality. So far, testing has shown that because of the larger sensors, there is almost no area in the close-up that remains in focus, an older mobile is often used to take closer pictures, and because of the large sensor, only one remains. small area of ​​the photo in close-ups. Of course, high resolution results in larger file size and slower time savings, and the Google Photos Free Trial also has issues with these saved files (in my experience, saved files often don’t work with those images, and if they do, the tour will save the photo in 16 megapixels). Free Fikoknl).
