2098 the number of coronary artery infections identified in Hungary


A new coronary virus infection (COVID-19) was detected in more Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of people infected in Hungary by 2,098. Jabb deceased 14 ids chronic patient. With this, the death toll increased by 213 fre, and 287 freed from the Krhz. There are 842 patients with coronary heart disease, 82 of whom are ventilated. Due to the increase in the number of patients, patients across the country are increasing their ability to prepare for massive illnesses.

The following anonymous data on patients who have died in the past 24 years has been made available to the government information portal:

73 times n – chronic obstructive occupational disease
66 you see frfi – cancer, metabolic disease
63ves n– hypertension, chronic kidney failure, chronic obstructive inflammation, pleurisy
79 you see frfi – atrial fibrillation, impotence
81 you see frfi – hypertension, impotence, dementia, Parkinson’s disease,
60 times nduring data upload
74 times n– Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, reflux
87 times n– calcification, high blood pressure
66ves n– stroke, bile, high blood pressure, reflux
83ves n– chronic lymphatic circulation, high blood pressure
83ves n– atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, dementia, epilepsy
75 times frfi diabetes
81 times n – generalized calcification, hypertension, iremic heart disease, kidney failure, dementia
78 times n – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, atrial fibrillation, congestive incontinence, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension

We are in the group disease stage, when the infection spreads through personal contact. In Hungary, the virus can be present in many places. The number of actual vectors that can be infected is much greater than the identified coronary virus infections.

Source: koronavirus.gov.hu

In order to stop massive infections, it is very important that the elderly, the dictators, return to their homes from abroad and those who can, stay in their homes, and then all comply with the recommendations and restrictions. It is up to the people of Budapest to adhere to the restrictions, because there are the most infected people in the city.

As can be seen from the data of patients who have died so far, coronary artery disease is the most dangerous for the elderly, so the elderly are forced to stay emphatically at home and need to pay for or help the government. The houses are inspected, the administration of the institutions and the reserves are responsible for the increase and the continuous implementation of the legal measures.
