1652 The number of coronary infestations identified in Hungary


New coronary artery infections were detected in more Hungarian citizens, according to the government information portal, that is, in 1652 the number of infected people in Hungary increased. He died better than 8, mainly as a chronic patient. With this, the number of dead patients increased by 142 fre, but it can be said that a total of 199 amr was recovered.

County breakdown of all infections, not just active cases:

Number of people infected with a confirmed coronary virus by county (04/16/2020)Source: koronavirus.gov.hu

The following anonymous data on patients who have died in the past 24 years has been made available to the government information portal:

53 you see frfiduring data upload,
82 see frfi hypertension, stroke, dementia, thyroid failure;
65 times n hypertension, chronic respiratory disease, inflammation;
82 see frfi diabetes, hypertension, calcification, insomnia,
78 times n chronic obstructive disease, bacterial inflammation, hypertension;
90 times n infertility, atrial fibrillation, leukemia, kidney failure, hypertension, hypothyroidism;
80 times n trd osteoarthritis, compressive vertebrae;
81 you see frfi hypertension, kidney failure, kidney transplant, myelodysplasia, atrial fibrillation, anemia.

This is the stage of group diseases.

According to the government information portal, we are in the group disease stage, when the infection spreads through public contact.In Hungary, the virus can be present in many places.

The number of actual vectors that can be infected is much greater than the identified coronary virus infections. To stop the massive contamination, it is very important that the elderly, the dictators, return to their homes from abroad and those who can, remain in their homes, and that all comply with the recommendations and restrictions that the government has extended indefinitely.We ask the people of Budapest to keep the restrictions, because there are the most infected people in the city.– rjk.

Introduced, the coronary artery is the most dangerous for the elderly, so the elderly are forced to stay home emphatically, and the purchase is for the benefit of the government or with the help of the government.
