15,000 patients, 120 deaths in a single day


In one day 15,000 new diseases were recorded in the Czech Republic, with a population similar to Hungary, and a large number, 120, died, so they tried in vain to avoid it, on Thursday the government introduced new austerity measures similar to spring . Among other things, shops have closed, some services have become inaccessible and even restrict the free movement of people. Based on the data, it appears that they were forced to adjust even further, although they were very confident in avoiding total alienation.

Among the EU member states, the Czech Republic is one of the most affected by the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic. In reality, the epidemic is sweeping the Central European country and, despite the austerity of the government, there is still no way out.

On Wednesday, 14,969 new diseases were registered and 120 died, so the problem is very big.

Tighten reminiscent of spring

The Babis government wants to avoid the introduction of drastic measures like the one in the spring, but the epidemic situation in the country is so bad that serious austerity measures reminiscent of the first wave had to be introduced. From today

All shops and services will be closed except shops that sell basic necessities (food, toiletries, etc.).

In addition, they restrict the free movement of the population, with the exception of getting to work, shopping when necessary, and visiting health centers. Under the new regulations, you can walk in parks and forests, but you can have up to two family members together. The measures will remain in effect until the beginning of November.

The queue does not end: since Wednesday morning it is mandatory to wear the mask in public spaces and in cars throughout the country. The provision does not apply to cases where only family members are together on the street or in the car, as well as sports. Otherwise, the mask must be worn for a few weeks in closed rooms and on public transport.

Closed terrace restaurant in Prague’s Old Town Square, in the background the Old Town Hall clock, the Astronomical ClockSource: MTI / EPA / Martin Divisek

Not to mention that there has been a state of emergency in the country since the beginning of October, which is why schools, restaurants, clubs will be closed until the beginning of November, as well as the realization of cultural and sporting events.

However, a few days ago, in a statement to public service television, he was still optimistic. Andrej Babis Prime Minister. “I used to rule out a farm-like closure like spring, but if we’re not consistent, that could happen now” – made a dramatic appeal to the Czech citizens calling on the population to adhere to the measures consistently. In it, Czech politicians and experts agree that the Czech economy would not tolerate a complete shutdown like the one in spring. How Milos zeman declared by the head of state, “The Czech Republic cannot afford to shut down its economy once again.”

Faced with this situation, the former Minister of Health, Adam Vojtechnek, who was forced to resign in mid-September after his failed measures, has a great responsibility.

The minister was held primarily responsible for taking hasty measures that often contradicted each other.

The record so far has been broken

If things continue like this, “total confinement will be inevitable.” Anyone who follows the trends knows exactly that the Czech Republic is doing very badly in Europe. Just look at today’s data:

Authorities registered a record number of 14,969 new patients.

The number is remarkably high: 3,000 more than the previous peak. Memorable, there was already significant news when 9,000 new cases were reported in late September. However, the current data is really shocking and also indicates that there are many problems in the Czech Republic.

A member of the Czech Election Commission wears protective clothing due to the coronavirus epidemic while holding a ballot box in a car polling station in the second round of the Senate elections in PragueSource: MTI / EPA / Martin Divisek

It is also an unfavorable figure that there are currently 124,000 infected people in the country of 10.7 million, which means that approximately one in every hundred people is infected. In complications caused by the virus, 253 people died this week alone, up to 120 on Wednesday. The virus is spreading extremely fast across the country, resulting in a dramatic increase in the number of people treated at the hospital – their number rose to 4,417 on Wednesday. It is not at all encouraging that the indicator has quadrupled, as has the number of serious hospital cases, which has tripled. The latter currently includes 657 patients, according to doctors.

Soldiers will set up a camp hospital to treat five hundred people infected with coronavirus in an event hall in a Prague suburb on October 22, 2020. The number of infected and hospitalized people in the Czech Republic is also increasing rapidly, so that the government has introduced new precautions that have almost paralyzed the country.Source: MTI / EPA / Martin Divisek

WHO data that speaks volumes

According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) last week, Czechs are affected more than average by the epidemic. Of the total number of infected people per million people, only Spain, Luxembourg and Belgium produce worse figures than them.

Source: Origo

Compared to what is shown in the table, the situation deteriorated further. Although there are countries, such as Belgium and Spain, that have been featured several times before by Origo, where the spring defenses have also been ruined, worsening the overall situation, the Czech Republic is very close to them, according to the week’s data. pass.
