1307 new coronavirus infections have been identified in Hungary in the last 24 hours


103 died, mostly elderly, chronic patients, bringing the death toll to 9,884. The number of people cured is also constantly growing, currently 168,381 people, the number of active infections dropped to 149,730. 5,619 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 403 of whom are on ventilators. So far, a total of 80,000 doses of vaccine have arrived in Hungary, with which healthcare workers are already being vaccinated at 21 hospital vaccination points. In order to curb the epidemic and ensure the functioning of hospitals, the protection measures in force until now remain in force.

The vaccine has reached a new stage in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic with the arrival of the vaccine in Hungary, a total of 80,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine so far, which will allow 40,000 health workers to be vaccinated. The vaccines were delivered at 21 hospital vaccination points: in addition to several hospitals in Budapest, in Győr, Kecskemét, Szolnok, Tatabánya, Kaposvár, Pécs, Miskolc, Szeged, Székesfehérvár, Debrecen, Balassagyarmat, Szombathely, Beyeszprémés, Beyeszprémés. More shipments will arrive in the coming weeks and vaccination can continue at that rate.

In the first half of the year, pharmaceutical authorities are expected to authorize new vaccines, and then additional vaccines may arrive in Hungary to begin mass vaccination of the population. The vaccination will be free and voluntary, so you should definitely register. So far, almost 600,000 people have registered for vaccination on the website www.vakcinainfo.gov.hu ​​and by mail.

An employee at the Kenessey Albert Hospital in Balassagyarmat will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine at the institute’s vaccination station on December 31, 2020.Source: MTI / Péter Komka

This weekend, kindergarten and school workers undergo rapid tests organized by government offices. Therefore, those who work in public education and have applied for the test can find out if they may be infected before starting kindergarten and school. The goal remains for daycare centers and schools to run smoothly and for parents with young children to be able to work.

There is still a curfew between 8:00 p.m. M. And 5:00 a. M., Everyone should be home by 8:00 PM. M. A case of exemption from the curfew is work, which, however, must be justified.

Private and family events (eg birthdays) can be held for up to 10 people, excluding those under 14 years of age.

To maintain health protection, the government extended epidemiological preparedness for half a year and also suspended flights from Great Britain.

Protection of the elderly and chronically ill is of the utmost importance. Older people are also asked to pay close attention to themselves and follow general precautions. Attention is drawn to the fact that hospitals and nursing homes are still prohibited from visiting them.

In addition to health workers, social workers, police, soldiers and officials involved in defense can also use public transport for free. Free rides require a certificate from the employer stating that the person is performing duties related to the emergency or consequences of a coronavirus pandemic.

Stores, with the exception of pharmacies and gas stations, can stay open until 7 pm and then open at 5 am at the earliest when the curfew expires. Service providers and services that are not mentioned in the regulations (eg hairdresser, masseuse, personal trainer) can normally operate under the curfew rules.

The rules introduced so far on the use and maintenance of distance remain in force, with the obligation to wear a mask in some public areas of settlements with more than 10,000 inhabitants. It is the responsibility of the mayor to designate the areas. The use of a mask is not yet mandatory during sports activities, as well as in parks or green areas.

All meetings are prohibited. Restaurants cannot accept guests, they can only stay there to bring food. The hotel cannot accept tourists, only guests arriving for business, economic or educational reasons. It is prohibited to carry out any type of event, including cultural events and Christmas fairs. Sports matches must be held behind closed doors. The use of leisure facilities, including in particular fitness rooms, indoor swimming pools, museums, libraries, cinemas and zoos, skating rinks, is prohibited.

Funerals can be held for up to 50 people. Weddings can be held without a wedding, however only certain people can attend the event.

Public parking is free. Commercial P + R, Parking, Parking Lot, Enclosed Surface Parking and Unclosed Surface Parking are available free of charge from 7 pm to 7 am. The facility operator is obliged to allow free parking during this time zone.

The police strictly monitor compliance with the rules, impose fines and close places where regulations are not followed. Soldiers support police work in various cities across the country and ease the burden on health workers at the hospital.

In Hungary, everyone has a hospital bed, care, a ventilator and the goal of protective measures is to keep it that way. In order to continue providing hospital care to coronavirus patients with an increasing number of patients, deferred surgeries have been suspended and the number of hospitals involved in care and the number of hospital beds reserved for patients increased. with coronavirus.

In order to slow the spread of the community, we will continue to avoid places where there are many people indoors, preferably keep social distance, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Anyone who has been ordered an official home quarantine for a stay abroad or for any other reason must strictly comply. Anyone with symptoms should not go into the community but stay home and notify their GP by phone.

Free flu shots are already being given as part of health protection. There is a constant supply of flu shots for GPs, the site writes.
