1 billion HUF was transferred to EMMI to help culture.


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On Saturday, the Ministry of Human Resources issued a statement stating that the Secretary of State for Culture has been working to assess and mitigate damage to culture since the beginning of the emergency:

“As a result, we managed to reallocate one billion forints to help independent artists, this amount will be distributed to artists who have lost their income through a tender called Thank You Hungary.”

In the communication, EMMI recalls that the epidemic has put various cultural sectors in a difficult position: the lack of events, performances and concerts, among others, has led to a drastic loss of income, not to mention independent artists.

The Thank You Hungary tender is organized by the “national strategic institutions and organizations”, which also decide on the award of grants. namely

  • the National Theater publishes a call for independent actors, theater workers and puppet actors,
  • the House of Traditions for folk artists, folk dances and gypsy music,
  • the National Dance Theater supports contemporary dance artists; the National Center of Artists, Performing Arts and Circus Arts for artists and circus workers,
  • the Petőfi Literary Museum of Light Music and other artists, Filharmónia Magyarország Kft. for classical music artists,
  • and the BMC Budapest Music Center helps young jazz musicians.

What is interesting about the application is that, although it was written to help workers in the cultural sphere, “applications are not granted to applicants based on need, but after they have taken on a task.”

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