Hundreds of teeth found in the Sahara Desert tell spinosaurus dinosaurs to have an aquatic lifestyle

Hundreds of spinosaurus teeth found in ancient river beds flowing in the Sahara Desert 100 million years ago indicate that giant predatory aquatic lifestyles

  • The 50-foot, seven-ton Spinosaurus was larger than the Tyrannosaurus
  • Living in North Africa 100 million years ago, that land was supposed to be inhabited
  • Recent discovery of the Spinosaurus tail suggests that terrifying predators spend most of their time in the water
  • Spinosaurus found in a riverbed in Morocco confirms its ‘aquatic lifestyle’

The confirmation of more than a thousand dinosaur teeth in the Sahara Desert is that the largest carnivorous dinosaur on record spends most of its time in the water.

Larger than Tyrannosaurus, 50 feet, seven tons of Spinosaurus lived in North Africa about 95 to 100 million years ago.

With a limited fossil record to analyze, scientists have long believed that it is a land inhabitant.

But the discovery of the Spinosaurus tail in the prehistoric Camus River belt in Morocco, a report in the journal Nature in April stated that the Spinosaurus was semiautomatic and used the principle to move out of the water like an ore.

Researchers have now identified hundreds of spinosaurus teeth in the same river belt, and confirm that the giant lizard is a real life ‘river monster.’ ‘

According to their report, published in the Cretaceous Research Journal, the largest predator was the most common dinosaur in Cam Cam, which flowed out of the Sahara 100 million years ago.

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The film will face Spinosaurus (right) against T-Rex in Jurassic Park III.  -0 feet, seven tons Spinosaurus was the largest known carnivorous dinosaur and lived in North Africa 100 million years ago

The film will face Spinosaurus (right) T-Rex in Jurassic Park III. -0 feet, seven tons Spinosaurus was the largest known carnivorous dinosaur and lived in North Africa 100 million years ago

Scientists at the University of Portsmouth say it was easier to identify a spinosaurus tooth than the 1,200 dental remains found in the cam.

“They have a simple round cross section that glows when held up to light,” said researcher Aaron Quigley.

About 1,200 teeth were sorted by species and about half were of spinosaurus.

‘The huge number of teeth we collected … reveals that there were a large number of spina bifida, accounting for 45 per cent of the total dental remains,’ said David Martil, a palebiologist at the University of Portsmouth.

A team from the University of Portsmouth has recovered more than 1,200 dinosaur teeth from Morocco's Cam Cam River bed, and about half are from Spinosaros.  Researchers say the abundance is a reflection of their aquatic lifestyle

A team from the University of Portsmouth has recovered more than 1,200 dinosaur teeth from Morocco’s Cam Cam River basin, and about half are from Spinosaros. Researchers say the abundance is a reflection of their aquatic lifestyle

Myrtle added that the abundance is ‘a reflection of their aquatic lifestyle.’

According to the report, terrestrial dinosaurs make up less than one percent of dental fragments at one cam site and barely 5 percent at another.

“Animals live most of their lives, contributing more teeth to the river than dinosaurs, which probably visit the river just to drink and feed on its banks,” Martil said.

Introduction to Spinsaurus preying on a group of sophists.  The discovery of the spinosaurus tail, reported in April 1, saw the frightened hunter spend most of his time in the river.

Introduction to Spinsaurus preying on a group of sophists. Discovery of the spinosaurus tail reported in April 1, the terrifying predator spent most of his time in the river

‘With this research we are able to confirm this location, because this giant dinosaur is not only alive, but also dead. The results are really consistent with the idea of ​​a water-dwelling, ‘river monster’.

Spinsaurus was first excavated by Egyptian paleontologist Ernst Stromer during excavations in Egypt between 1910 and 1914.

Longer than the adult Tyrannosaurus rex, it has an elongated snout on top of the crocodile-like mane that is adorned with conical teeth that make it easier to catch prey.

Stromer has named the animal Spinosaurus, or ‘Spine Lizard’, after long distinctive spines on its back.

He brought the Dushanbe Spinosaurus fossils back to the Paleontological Museum in Munich but they were destroyed when the city was bombed by allies in World War II.

Drawings, photos and descriptions were all left until recently.

How did the terrifying spinosaurus hunt underwater?

Spinosaurus can grow up to 0 feet in length and weigh up to seven tons.

The animals were so large and terrifying that the adults of the species had no natural predators.

In the picture, an impression of an artist from the national geography of two spinosaurus hunting fish.  The adult spinosaurus is 50 feet long and weighs up to seven tons

In the picture, an impression of an artist from the national geography of two spinosaurus hunting fish. Adult spinosaurs are known to reach 50 feet long and weigh up to seven tons

It had many adaptations that allowed it to survive underwater and hunt.

His nostrils were far behind his head, allowing him to breathe by pushing a small part of his head above the water surface.

His bones were very penguin-like ga ense, allowing him to carefully control his position in the water, creating a careful balance between bounce and dive.

The large, flat feet, which were mostly webbed, allowed the wood to be planted on the soft ground along the river bank, while the passengers in the water were like crocodiles.

Its flat tail moved from side to side and pushed the dinosaur forward.

It was a thapod, the same group of dinosaurs that included Tyronosaurus rex.

It is the only dinosaur to have swam and a huge jaw filled with six inch long razor sharp teeth.

The teeth were conical and not like blades, which made it suitable for holding slippery prey.

Its snot is more like a crocodile than other predatory dinosaurs. These retained sensory structures are capable of capturing the waves produced by swimming prey.

This organ acted like a sonar – allowing animals to hunt even in frictional waters.
