Humpback whales trapped in a crocodile-affected river in Australia’s Kakadu National Park

In the “very unusual” event, Three animals entered the East Alligator River last week in Cucumber National Park.

The animals were first spotted on Tuesday in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia, a park spokesman said in a statement to CNN.

Since then, park staff have been keeping a close eye on a whale, which appears to have stalled. The spokesman said two other people are believed to have left the area, although Rangers could not be completely certain.

Scientists can’t say for sure what happened, they believe a “wrong turn” is a possible explanation, the spokesman said.

“For the welfare of the whales and for the safety of the people who may be thinking of going to the area by boat,” the park posted at the park immediately introduced an exclusion zone up to a point 20 miles above the mouth of the river. Facebook on Friday.

“As far as we know, this is the first time this has happened,” he says.

“We are monitoring the situation and working with NT government officials to collect data on this unusual phenomenon, and an expert working group has been formed to monitor the whales and prepare plans for intervention if necessary.

“The last thing we see is a collision between a boat and a whale in the water where the crocodile is prevalent and the visibility under the water is zero. We also don’t want boats to inadvertently push the whale over the river.

“The whales are not in trouble at the moment and they are not in a state of emergency. The best case is for the whales to return to the sea.

“Scientists from Kakadu National Park and the NT government will continue to observe the whales in the coming days. We appreciate that this is a very unusual and exciting event, although our priority at present is to ensure the safety and well-being of visitors and whales.”

Three whales were first seen in the river, but experts believe only one remains.

Most of the body of water inside the park is inhabited by saltwater crocodiles, which are predatory predators known to attack and kill humans. Despite their name, they can also find a river more than 100 miles offshore in freshwater habitats.

According to the park guide to visitors, crocodiles can stay hidden under water for a long time and move with great stealth and camouflage. They act fast and are known to move at speeds of up to 40 seconds per second.

Early Monday, park staff met with experts on how best to help whales if needed.

Carol Palmer, a senior scientist at the NT government, said: “The Northern Territory government is working with staff and traditional owners at Cucumber National Park, plus other experienced experts, to ensure we give the whales the best chance to return to the sea.

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“The whales are looking safe and well, which will give us time to make sure we evaluate all the available options and the risks associated with them. These options are minimal. As an intervention we Continuing to observe the whales, should actively intervene to support the animal to get out of the river.

“The highest tide of the year will be in a few weeks so there is a window of opportunity for it to set sail. We continue to consult with experts and our experienced park staff to make sure our plans can be achieved. And for both the whales and those involved in the operation. Is safe.

“We are also looking at a number of options for mapping the river belt, through which whales can navigate the sea to find the most river channel and we are consulting staff who are very familiar with the river.”

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According to the International Whaling Commission, humpback whales live in all the major oceans of the world. The species is known for its spectacular “surface active behavior”, which may include violations and flipper and tail slaps, and its complex “song,” which is heard in the field of tropical breeding, the commission says on its website.
The park, Australia’s largest national park, Cucumber, is twice listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its outstanding natural and cultural values, according to the park’s website.

It is home to many animal species, including crocodiles and flatback turtles. It also describes itself as a “living cultural landscape” as its archeological sites record the skills and lifestyles of indigenous peoples for thousands of years.
