Humpback whale enters crocodile river ‘first in Australia’

Humpback whales were found from the East Alligator River in Cucumber National Park

Image copyright pyriteNT Government

Image citationThe humpback whale was found in the East Alligator River in Australia

Australian officials say they will try to guide a humpback whale from a crocodile-affected river in the Northern Territory when it loses ground and comes within 30 kilometers (18.5 miles).

Experts believe whales and others were on an annual maritime migration while some “took the wrong approach”.

Two whales later managed to swim out of the river, but at least one remains.

Oc is the first known example of a whale being found in the interior crocodile territory in Australia so far.

Given its estimated length of 16 meters (52 feet), the humpback is considered to be likely to be interrupted by a crocodile.

Officials said Monday that the risk could increase if the whales were trapped in shallow water.

Wait, what happened?

Whales were spotted in the East Alligator River last week while boating in Kakadu National Park, Australia’s largest national park and World Heritage-listed site.

From the open water so far the lake has been the eye of the muddy curved animals of the river.

Image copyright pyriteNT Government
Image citationWhales swim about 30 km (18.5 miles) upstream

“This is something that has never been reported before – not just in the northern region – but [in] .Australia. It’s really, really unusual, “said Carol Palmer, a marine ecosystem scientist for the region’s government.

He added that it was difficult to determine whether more than one whale needed assistance due to the river’s “mercky brown water”.

How did the whales get there?

Ms Palmer told the Australian Australian Broadcasting Corporation that experts were not convinced “why this whale is taking the wrong turn” on the country’s north coast.

It is believed that they were heading south in the direction of Antarctica, but accidentally entered a river that led them to the river system.

During the spring the whales migrate to the warm waters of Australia giving birth before returning to Antarctica for feeding.

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Although the river is associated with freshwater crocodiles, experts do not expect conflict.

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But if the whale gets caught in a shallow turn and someone washes the shore, ”M Palmer told ABC.

“There’s no way we can lift a 12-16m humpback whale out of the sandbar and probably when the crooks come inside.”

What are the officers doing to help?

Boats have been banned in part of the river to clear the sea route.

He hoped the whale would run on its own, but it stayed around the deepest section of the river – about 20 km from the sea.

Image copyright pyriteNT Government
Image citationPark Rangers are trying to help the whale get out of the river system

Ms Palmer said authorities were considering several options to get her out, such as using “noisy noises” from a nearby boat or recordings of humpback whale calls.

“It’s difficult at every level, but everyone is trying to move forward in a very positive way that we can do this,” he said.

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  • Whale

  • .Australia
  • Crocodile