How to prepare to grow potential Covid-19

CNN medical analyst Dr. Leena Wayne said that the Covid-19 case will increase in the winter months for three reasons: Said Leena Wayne.

“Second, in the winter months, the air is less humid. Virus-carrying particles linger in the air longer. At the same time, our nasal membranes become drier and the risk of infection is higher.”

In addition, as the weather cools, people will spend more time indoors, where there is an easy ability to spread the virus due to the lack of adequate ventilation to spread the virus particles. “That’s why we need to be more vigilant in the winter months,” added Eva Wayne, an emergency therapist and visiting professor at the University of Washington, Milken Institute School of Public Health.

Following safety guidelines, part of that vigilance involves having the right types and amounts of food and medical supplies to limit trips to stores.

“Any winter season can cause storms, lightning strikes, and delays in shipping complex items from local or items online stores, knowing that all the provisions you have to handle these potential events are important,” said Susan L. Said Paula. Advocacy and advocacy of the American Public Health Association’s public affairs by email.

The next few months can be ugly.  Here's how to stay safe as the epidemic grows

“COVID-19 is on the rise and flu supplies may try to buy harder – or risk, if you or your family members are sick. You want to do everything you can to make sure you and your loved ones are safe.”

In case of illness, quarantine or disaster this season, you should keep your hands in your pantry, freezer, medicine cabinet and more.

Home cleaning and protection

For regular hand hygiene and after receiving deliveries, check your mail or shopping, you need soap and hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
If you have sick rooms or family members, wipes and disinfectant are needed for frequently touching surfaces such as kitchen counters and durknobs. In that case, you should also need latex gloves and know how to remove them safely.
How to clean your bathroom to protect against coronavirus
For obvious reasons you will need extra toilet paper – but how much do you really need? In response to the epidemic, a student software developer and An artist based in London created Hummach to to answer just that question.

Face masks are serious for accepting deliveries and for the mistakes you need to make if you or a home mate is sick.

For your medicine cabinet

For covid-1 or ailments, you will need cough drops and syrup for cough symptoms, decongestants for congestion, acetaminophen and ibuprofen and antidiarrheals for pain and fever. Put an adhesive bandage on the wound.

If you have the condition, “regularly check your regular prescription medications to ensure a constant supply to your home,” the National U.S. Department of Emergency Preparedness said. The public service campaign suggests Ready. A seven to 10-day supply stored in a childproof container should suffice.
If you or a loved one tested positive for Covid-19, what should you do?
In the event of an emergency, having hand prints or electronic health records can be helpful so “you don’t wander because you’re trying to leave home,” Paula said.
Fever is a symptom of both Covid-19 and flu, so keep a thermometer in hand to check your temperature if you feel hot. Supply of dentures and contact lenses, hearing aid batteries and female hygiene and baby supplies if required.

“Shoot your flu shot,” Paula said. “It’s the best way to avoid getting the flu and it’s important to minimize the impact on the already highly controversial health care system.”

Long lasting food and snacks

Your local grocery store doesn’t need to empty the shelves, but you can store a little more to limit trips to the supermarket and take food on hand if you have to quarantine. Store two weeks of water and food supplies that are unusable, easy to prepare and in accordance with any food allergies or limitations.

Canned beans, legumes and fish are filled, rich in nutrients, sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Walnut butter is packed with healthy fats and paired with many foods. Whole grains and bean pasta, oats and cereals are hearty staples.

Grocery rules for your coronavirus lockdown: buy beans, freeze milk, do not hoard and more

Canned soups, high-fiber cereals and protein bars are quick meals and snacks. Also stock prepared and frozen vegetables and fruits and trash or prepared sauces. And don’t forget snacks: dried fruits are a rich source of iron, fiber and antioxidants; Almonds can be a source of calcium and vitamin E.

For hydration, Store at least 1 Gallons of water per person per day. If you enjoy dairy or plant-based milk or coffee, buy shelf-frozen milk and coffee grounds. Animal protein, hard cheese and bread can be frozen.

A disaster preparedness kit

It’s always good to have an emergency preparedness stockpile … because we don’t know when a disaster is coming, “said Lori Trammell Freeman, CEO of the National Association of County and City Health Officials. In addition to the above, the kit includes:
  • A flashlight and a battery
  • Battery powered radios and batteries
  • Match in waterproof container
  • Utility knife
  • Paper and pencil
  • Cash, tourist checks and coins
  • Disposable dishes and utensils
  • Pets food
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Needle and draw
  • Additional set of keys and ID
  • Duct tape and scissors
  • Local maps
  • First aid guide
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Tweezers
  • Trash bags
  • Cellphone chargers and backup batteries

Last but not least: entertainment

This winter you will need options to help you spend time when you have been with people who have been glued for months. You don’t want to catch a case of cabin fever.
In the early months of the epidemic many people took baking bread, but the main time for baked goods. Make sure you have the main ingredients and devices for when you need to satisfy your taste buds or work through your emotions.
The epidemic has not changed that we are still living in a season of fall, spookiness and comfortable food. Check out our list of 50 fun things to do this fall, such as baking pumpkin bread or making a Fall Advent calendar – and summarize what you need to do.
Puzzles and games are not only fun; They are beneficial for education and development. Sales of board game monopolies have increased during the epidemic. Apples from Uno, Uno, Jenga and Charades are always fun.

Paula said it would be harder to follow safety protocols “because we’re coming in the winter and can’t go out or spend time with friends or family who are masked and at least 6 feet tall.” “Think of ways to stay physically but also stay socially connected.”

Creativity can spark your soul and distract from the epidemic blues, so it’s also a good idea to stock up on any supplies you need for your hobby.

“These are suggestions but everyone needs to think about what they need to live comfortably,” Freeman said.
