How to identify different symptoms of flu and covid-19

As the influenza season approaches, some Americans, and especially parents, are concerned that if they or their children become ill, it is not easy to know what disease they have – the flu or Covid-19.

They are true. Most of the symptoms of the two diseases are so similar that it will not be possible to know for sure – a short test – or two or three tests. But there are some clues. (And both are more likely to be infected at the same time; both have been reported in some patients in China this year.)

It is not yet clear whether the United States will have multiple flu seasons this year. Flu activity in the Southern Hemisphere, which often predicts activity in the United States, was 99 percent lower than normal during the winter. Epidemiologists believe that because Austral Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, Chileans and other residents of the southern part of the world wore masks, stayed away from many feet and washed their hands to prevent coronavirus infection. The same precaution also prevents flu transmission.

Because there are currently so few flights between the Southern Hemisphere and the United States, there is no chance that the common four-season influenza strain will “re-establish” itself among Americans. If they do, masks and social distance should limit their spread.

Still, experts urge all Americans to get flu shots. Before it abruptly ended during the lockdown, last year’s flu season was on its way to becoming the worst in recent memory. The number of child deaths was exactly the same in the 2017-18 season, the worst since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began searching for flu-season deaths in 1976.

If you catch the flu, experts say, you are less likely to be hospitalized or die from the shot.

This year “extreme,” flu shots were made in large numbers and distributed to pharmacies and doctors ’office fees starting in August, as early as possible. By the end of last month, some doctors said they were having trouble ordering as much as they should, but pharmacy chains say they are getting a steady supply. To detect flu shots, get vaccinated. Org or one of the chain pharmacy websites, such as CVS. Try the / immunization / file.

There are at least 100 viruses that can cause the common cold, but only four that cause the seasonal flu. Many people who catch a cold assume they have the flu, but experts constantly say about how to tell the difference: “The flu makes you feel like you were hit by a truck.” In the worst case of influenza, fever, nausea, and headache are usually worse than in the case of respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, or other common cold viruses.

Everyone knows the symptoms of the flu: fever, headache, body aches, sore throat, runny nose, stuffed sinuses, coughing and sneezing – and for infants, ear infections. Some sufferers, especially children, also get diarrhea or vomiting.

In severe cases, the most common complication is pneumonia. Typical signs of flu pneumonia are shortness of breath, especially when you find yourself working harder, and abnormally fast breathing – doctors usually find it in children – and sometimes chest or back pain.

It’s more complicated to know if you have Covid-19 because there are a lot of different – and sometimes pretty crazy – symptoms, many of which are like the flu.

The most common symptoms are a high fever, sometimes accompanied by a cold, dry cough and fatigue.

One indication that really separates the two infections is that many Kovid-19 sufferers suddenly lose their sense of smell – not because they have a stuffy nose, but because they don’t even register strong odors like onions or coffee. Not all virus sufferers have a formal name for odor loss, os nosmia, but one study found that 87 percent did.

Less common symptoms include sore throat, congestion, runny nose, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain and shortness of breath. Some victims have red or itchy eyes, and some have redness or spots on the fingers or toes – the so-called covid toes, which look like chilblains.

More dangerous symptoms – which means you should seek immediate medical attention – include severe difficulty breathing; Pain or pressure in the chest; Blue lips or blue face; Inconsistent answers to confused or simple questions; And collapsed or lost consciousness.

Adding to the horrible nature of the disease is that it can cause blood clots that can lead to heart damage, brain damage and lung damage. And some cases that appear mild or asymptomatic create signs that doctors believe are long-term heart damage.

Another unusual aspect of covid is that some people get pneumonia without realizing they are sick. Why the torts are uncertain; One theory is that air sacs in the lungs are damaged in a way that does not cause them to produce carbon dioxide, creating a “desperate feeling for air”.

Many doctors recommend buying a pulse oximeter, a finger device that measures the level of oxygen in the blood. Multiple readings below 92% should call the doctor. The earlier caught pneumonia, the better the result.

Children usually go through Covid-19 with little problems; For the youngest, it is considered less dangerous than the flu.

Children have similar constellations to adult-like symptoms, although parents may be more likely to notice it when their teens have runny noses, red eyes, and simply boredom that just sounds awful.

Dangerous symptoms include difficulty breathing, blue lips, confusion or inability to wake up, and severe abdominal pain or inability to hold any fluid down. If there are any signs of this, it is important to take the child to a doctor or hospital immediately.

In very rare cases, children may develop multisystem inflammatory syndrome, which is thought to be caused by an excessive immune response and can lead to shock and organ failure.

But doctors emphasize that it is rare and parents should realize It is very unlikely that they have a sick child.

For Covid-19, symptoms may begin two to 14 days after exposure, but most begin five to seven days after that.

However, like diseases like measles, you can start spreading the virus two days before you start getting sick. So if you feel you have been exposed, it is very important to warn others and separate yourself from them as soon as possible, especially if they are elderly or medically fragile.

It is a common medicine practice that when a disease has spread to an area and the patient has its symptoms, it is usually safe to assume what the patient has and start treatment instead of waiting for the test results. So don’t be surprised if your doctor doesn’t recommend a cutter test until both the flu and the coronavirus start circulating heavily in your city at the same time.

And coronavirus testing can be difficult, especially with so many test delays. The PCR type is more accurate than 15-minute “rapid antigen tests”, but it can take hours or even days for the results to be returned, depending on whether the central laboratory has to send it.

A positive test means you are infected, but a negative test should not be trusted; A lot of things can go wrong. Two negative PCR tests taken at least 24 hours apart is a better indication of whether you are infection free.

If your insurance company only pays for one test, you may consider paying another for peace of mind.