How to have a safe vacation during the coronavirus this summer


Be safe on vacation during the pandemic.

Eric Mack / CNET

For the most up-to-date news and information on the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

the coronavirus The pandemic has altered the appearance of summer, when the passion for travel traditionally turns into global getaways, nature retreats, and beach vacations. With a continuous increase Of COVID-19 cases worldwide, and particularly in the United States, it may seem impossible to plan a safe vacation.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, traveling increases your chances of contracting or spreading the coronavirus, so the safest option to protect yourself and others is to stay home. But if you’re still determined to have some travel time this summer, be it for air or on the way, you should be aware of the risks and know some important guidelines, like minimizing your contact with other people.

Riskier versus less risky vacation options

Some places and activities may put you in a increased risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Less risky

  • Camping in the field with your family.
  • Rent a vacation home through Airbnb or Vrbo for your family or intimate circle.
  • Eating outside at a restaurant.

Medium risk

High risk

  • Visiting a theme park.
  • Attend an outdoor concert.
  • Go to an indoor bar.
  • Flying to another country.
  • Flying to another country that is not closed and has no quarantine measures for travelers.

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1. Check local restrictions

Before making plans to visit another state, it is important to know the local laws to be aware of what is open. This can also help you prepare for what is expected of you, such as wearing face masks in all stores and restaurants.

2. Be careful to travel to known coronavirus hot spots

Coronavirus is highly contagious and can take weeks for symptoms to develop, if they do it. That means there is a good chance that areas known to have high levels of confirmed cases of COVID-19 may also have a higher number of people who carry out their daily lives and could be infected without knowing it.

Consider COVID hot spots, such as parts of Florida, Texas, Georgia, and California, where cases are on the rise. If you are visiting relatives in the state, it is safer to stay out of crowded areas and skip sightseeing. When possible, choose less traveled destinations.


Get tested for coronavirus before and after your vacation.

James Martin / CNET

3. Consider getting a coronavirus test

You may want get a coronavirus test before you go on vacation you could be a asymptomatic carrier – And when you come back. If someone visits you on your vacation, you can ask them to have a COVID-19 test before they arrive.

4 4. Be very careful when you fly

Air travel is considered one of the highest risk situations to spread the coronavirus. Even if the airports are relatively uncrowded, not all airlines space passengers throughout the plane. You may not be able to travel social distances, and longer flights potentially expose you to more recirculated air; not yet clear if the coronavirus is in the airBut the World Health Organization has recently admitted that it is possible.

If you must fly, take all precautions, including wearing a face mask, except while eating or drinking water, wash your hands well, and keep as far away from others as possible. Please note that if you rent a car, you should call ahead to ask how vehicles are disinfected between tenants.


You feel sick? You may need to postpone your vacation.

Sarah Tew / CNET

5. Stay away from crowded areas.

While beaches may be your usual place when planning a trip, they may not be the safest option if other people have flocked to the area. They are often crowded, making it unlikely that crowds will not pass in parking lots or when finding a spot in the arena. While the water itself coronavirus is not believed to spread, yelling at others in their group, and singing along with the music are known to spray respiratory drops, which is how coronavirus is spread.

The same goes for crowded farmer’s markets and high-traffic downtown shopping areas, especially indoors. You should also avoid bars where people are often crowded waiting for drinks or on the dance floor, if those businesses are open. Instead, look for areas that are out of the way and have fewer people, and get your drinks and food to go.

Even if you wear a mask and social distance, you cannot control the actions of those around you who choose not to.

6. Do not travel with anyone who is ill in any way.

If you have a family member you plan to travel with and they get infected or develop coronavirus symptoms – some of which look like a cold or flu – leave them at home. Also, if you have been in contact with that person since they became infected, you should get a coronavirus test before leaving for your destination to make sure you are not sick and possibly spread the virus to high-risk groups.

7. Bring a face mask or two

At this point, most companies you go to will require that wear a mask before entering. This means local shops, supermarkets, and even restaurants while you wait for your food. Various pack face masks for your children and yourself so that you have enough for the duration of your trip. If you go to a place that is hot, look for a cotton blend maskwhich can be cooler and more comfortable.

Face masks can help prevent the spread of the coronavirus if used correctly. Make sure that the one you are wearing covers your nose and chin and does not create gaps. Masks that use thicker materials and more layered designs can trap larger particles that you accidentally eject when speaking, coughing, or sneezing, but they can also be warmer to wear.

8. Minimize contact with people who are not in your immediate group

When you are on vacation, it is best to stay alone with the people in your home. The more people who come in contact with you, the greater your chances of contracting the virus. If you know you are going somewhere that has a large number of people, such as a major city, wear a mask every time you leave your accommodation, even when traveling by elevator or taxi.

Also, follow all marks of social distancing on the ground to keep a distance from others. Wash your hands frequently and bring hand sanitizer to areas where a handwash station is not provided.

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9. Ask to have dinner outside

If you know you will frequent restaurants during your trip, call ahead to make sure they have outdoor seating. Eating outside is considered a lot less risky than eating inside because the air flow disperses the coronavirus instead of allowing it to accumulate in one place. Remember that even if you are outside, you should wear a mask until your food arrives, especially since you will be in constant contact with your server, who in turn is in constant contact with other members of the public.

For more information on COVID-19, read about why are we still on the first wave and what happens next. Also remember that asymptomatic people can transmit the coronavirus. Here it is how long does it take to retrieve coronavirus test results.

The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical or health advice. Always consult a doctor or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.