How to go cato in a healthy way, and avoid dangerous side effects

When news broke that Bollywood’s newcomer and actress Mishti Mukherjee had died this week at the age of 27 due to complications from the Kito Diet, according to her family, the world was torn apart by grief and shock as major headlines spread from India to England and the world. . America. Her fans got bored hearing this news. Anyone reading the story wondered about two things: how young and healthy desserts appeared, and the fact that the cat’s diet can lead to extreme kidney failure, leading to this kind of tragic loss.

Keto diets are known to work in the short term, will help dieters lose weight with virtually all carbs – carbs can make up only 5 percent of your total intake – and fuel on fat and protein, making up 70 percent and 25 percent. Is. Total intake. Diet pushes the body into ketosis, when the cells burn fat for fuel, but the amount of ketones released in the body can put stress on the kidneys, which works to filter this fat burning remedy, causing kidney stones, damage. . Function and ultimately kidney failure. Responding to the news, doctors were quick to issue warnings following Mukherjee’s death.

Three special warnings were issued about Cato: One is that while keto seems to be extremely effective in helping to lose weight or help obese people lose weight, it can be dangerous for thin people to do so, as they run the risk of complications from putting their body into ketosis; To help the kidneys get rid of toxins, drink plenty of water; And the third is that you should not stay on the Cato Diet for more than 45 days, and probably not as long. Experts say there are healthy ways to follow a cat diet, mostly eating plant-based foods, but experts say most cat fans prefer to eat processed meats such as bacon to help increase their fat and protein intake to the required level. .

Cato is not healthy in itself, how do you go Cato who is a potential health risk

Cato diets are not unhealthy, people do them the way they are, according to Dr. Andrew Freeman, a National Jewish cardiologist in Denver. A recent study published that Cato diets can cause heart disease because of the food people eat. Is. Diet: People mostly load red meat, processed meats like bacon and avoid healthy plant foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains – all of which are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, as they contain. carbs. And while the Keto diet will shed pounds in a short period of time, it is harder to sustain by eating a high-fat diet of meat, butter and animal fats, which has been scientifically shown to increase your lifetime risk of heart disease, cancer. , Diabetes and premature death from all causes. Meanwhile, a plant-based diet reduces your risk of dying from all causes, recent studies have found.

In the rare case of death related to dieting in cats, the kidneys have to work hard to filter and process all the cats through the burning fat products, and at that time the kidneys cannot maintain and go into failure. Studies show that keto side effects include kidney stones and other complications when the body is overcooked with protein. (According to a Harvard Medical School newsletter, the average daily intake is 46 grams for protein, and 56 grams for men.) In the meantime, too much fat in the diet can lead to a fatty liver because your liver is unable to process it. The amount of fat consumed. A “very low-calorie Cato Diet” study where overweight or obese patients were given a strict diet of 500 to 800 calories per day showed some renal side effects, but the authors insisted that these subjects were placed on regular meal replacements. Were and their diet was monitored, so since their intake was kept at a low calorie level, they were not likely to eat more protein or more fat, which can happen in real life.

Keto’s best way is on a mostly plant based diet.

The safest way to try to lose weight is on a plant based diet, and there is a small van diagram of the overlap between cat food and plant based foods. To figure out how to achieve this, you have to look at the fat, protein and carb ratio, fruits and vegetables such as avocados and beans, nuts and vegetable based oils, explains vegan chef Susie Gerber, who lost 50 pounds. Plant based diet and now help others to stay healthy and learn to eat plant based diet.

“You’ll prefer plant-based fats from whole foods like nuts, vegetable oils, and avocados. It can take a few days to get into ketosis,” Gerber explains, as there are “fat adaptive” periods in all of the keto diets You train the body to burn fat for fuel, but you can do this faster by fasting internally, not eating for 14 or 16 hours, and then eating keto-friendly plant-based foods between 8 and 8 hours. Focusing on eating a plant-based diet suggests that you have to give up bread, alcohol, and other carbs that will limit you to 5 percent of your calories a day from carbs, said Dr. Jason Fung, author of Life in Fasting Lane Combine intermittent fasting and keto diet choices for weight loss results.

Cato plant-based weight loss foods to eat: net carbs weighing 5 grams or less

Practically speaking, Gerber explains, you need to add as many vegetables as possible to your plate to lose weight. “There are some vegetables that are high in carbs and some are not so high and it’s about understanding the fiber content.” He explains that broccoli is high in fiber and low in carbs, while broccoli is on the other side. So while it may seem random, there is a list of foods that are both cat and plant based. This is what you eat on repetition, she told us. Once you hang her, then Gerber added, the fiber is easy to replenish and doesn’t feel hungry.

One drawback is that it can take up to 2 weeks for a vegan keto diet to become fat-adaptive. So be patient, and add to exercise, or try to combine keto and plant-based diets with intermittent fasting, she recommends. And know this: “Avocado is your new best friend.”

That’s the hero list of plant-based cat food she recommends:

  • Almonds: Pecans and walnuts are very low in carbs. Macadamia nuts may be the best. You know where the different choices are and focus on that.
  • Greens: Spinach and broccoli are low in net carbs. And so is green pepper. Choose green instead of yellow or orange or red pepper for pure carbs.
  • Meatless meat and dairy cheese substitutes. This is one way if you need to take the right amount of oil. It is easier to get oil from meatless meat and dairy-free cheese than from vegetables alone.
  • Cashew butter, or almond butter in smoothies. Keep your protein and nut fat high.
  • Avocados are your best friend. You want to have avocados on everything, with every meal.

Look for vegetables with the lowest net carbs for a keto-friendly diet:

If you approach a plant-based insect diet as a limited or “micro” diet, which lasts a month or more, and you know it’s prohibited, Gerber explains, you can lose a healthy percentage of your body weight. And most of them are fat and plant based. When you spend that time doing it, you haven’t put the weight back on and you’ll have even better muscle tone and a new baseline. She has suggested cycling through short stents on Cato instead of staying on it.

She added that after months of your keto and plant-based cycling, while maintaining your healthy approach, you will be eating a more varied diet with some prudent foods. So when you go cato on a plant-based diet, she says, try it in a short blast. It is still effective, but it is also healthy.

Gerber adds that a plant-based cato diet is easier than a cato on a meat-based diet because you stay strong. “I’ve never had a cato flu where you feel horrible and tired all day. I’ve never had a strange body odor or felt sick like some people say. A lot of water helps. Really staying hydrated helps a lot. . ” Drinking plenty of water is always a good idea. Before you start any type of strict diet, it is best to check with your doctor. Being thin is not the goal of staying healthy!
