How the open world of Ghost of Tsushima changed during development

Ghost of Tsushima’s open world island offers expansive and varied scenery, from its wintry north to the Golden Forest and seaside cliffs and more. Balancing forests and more open fields became a key component of Ghost of Tsushima’s design, but the world didn’t always start that way. Talking to IGN on an episode of our PlayStation show, Podcast Beyond! Creative director and art director Jason Connell explained how, during its development, the titular island of Ghost featured much more afforestation. Watch the podcast further! episode below.“When we first built the game, maybe two years, it was a lot of forest,” Connell said. “It was a ton of trees and… you always felt like you were in this claustrophobic tunnel. [It was] beautiful, but very deep, afforestation, which does a couple of things.

“It is very good, but it makes it difficult to know where you are without a compass or a mini map, something that gives you that additional information that your brain really needs. What we did was start opening fields, and I definitely took some pictures of Shadow of the Colossus, and [said], ‘Campos!’ for reference because it feels so spicy when you go through a massive field. “

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And the world of Ghost of Tsushima strives to have that balance, with some denser areas, enclosed by trees, bamboo thickets, and other vegetation, as well as open fields, which Connell explained played with one of the leading design philosophies behind from Ghost of Tsushima.

“Our director of content, Jeff, talks a lot about content density and what is the correct density,” Connell said, explaining what the idea is “Thinking about whether you’re doing something, you’re crossing the world and you find something, How much more would you have to ride a horse before you find the following? Or, can you see the following from where you are currently? How dense is it?

“And I really enjoyed that conversation because it allowed us to think about the correct philosophy for our game. If we want to stop in one place, you’ve just completed something, in general you should be able to look around and find one more thing on the horizon, or see the sanctuary on top of the mountain. “To learn more about Sony’s latest PS4 exclusive, check out our Ghost of Tsushima review, read about Ghost of Tsushima’s launch bestseller, and if you’re playing be sure to track your progress using our map Ghost of Tsushima interactive game.

Jonathon Dornbush is IGN’s Senior News Editor, host of Podcast Beyond !, and will judge if he doesn’t pet the fox in Ghost of Tsushima. Talk to him on Twitter @jmdornbush.