How our brain tracks other people’s location is strangely consistent between brains

When navigating a space, it forms the human brain, like the waves of the spatial-conscious brain. Scientists have discovered this after devising a method of scanning our brains during free movement, as if it were still lying in a scanner.

“Our results suggest that our brains make a universal signature to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes,” explained Nanthia Suthana, a neurosurgeon at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Previous studies in rats have revealed that low-frequency brain waves help rats keep track of their position as they explore new locations – by defining location boundaries. Similar boundary-defined waves were also recognized in humans, but only when they were navigating in a virtual environment when they were left for a brain scan.

“We wanted to test this idea in people – and to see if they could observe other people close to them – but they were hindered by existing technology,” said UCLA neuroscientist Matthias Stingle.

So Stangall and his colleagues created a mobile brain scanner, backpacked with a computer that connects wirelessly to electrodes implanted in the brain (a system called intracranial electroencephalography), how their brains are formed and how to remember spatial memories. .

Wireless recording device.  (UCL)Wireless recording device. (Suthna Lab / UCLA)

His subjects included five epilepsy patients who had electrodes implanted in their brains to help control their seizures. This implant resides in the medial-temporal lobe – the beats of our brain are supposed to encode long-term, intentional memory and spatial cognition.

Participants participated in a 15-minute research task where they were asked to find and learn the locations of hidden targets inside the room. This was followed by a 15-minute observation task where their participants had to keep track while someone else was navigating the room, and press the button when another person crossed unmarked target locations.

The researchers found that as participants approached the physical boundary – such as the wall of the room – the flow of low-frequency oscillations in their brains increased. The same thing happened when they saw someone walking towards another wall.

“We found that the boundary-related oscillatory changes were surprisingly similar between tasks requiring self-exploration versus observation of another person.”

Recent studies of rats and bats have also found a similar group of hippocampal neurons codes for the animal’s own location and the location of others in their species.

This brain wave representation of the following visualized location also increased when participants focused on finding their target location. C selection signals were not constant, and their quantity, their quantity did not change.

Visualized brainwave strength map of room boundaries.  (Suthna Lab, UCLA)(Suthna Lab / UCLA)

Above: A map of the visualized brainwave forces with the boundaries of the room red, representing a large amount of power in the brain length signals.

“Our results support the idea that, under certain mental conditions, this way of brain waves can help us identify boundaries,” Stangle said. “In this case, it was when people were focusing on a target and hunting for something.”

Electrical activity is measured in a series of frequencies known as theta waves. We usually produce these slow but pronounced waves when exploring, so it is hardly surprising that it becomes apparent in such a task.

Interestingly, somewhat more boozy gamma waves also appeared in the same condition, with slightly more variations in different conditions. These are the waves we generate when we draw experiences into our working memory, to think our brains.

The team believes that what they have seen is generated by multiple groups of brainwave neurons that may include cells that specifically encode for boundaries, objects, and other boundaries and targets for objects. Better understanding of this neuronal language can solve brain disorders.

And, in an exciting development, they have made their backpack designs available to other researchers. We can expect to learn more about our brain patterns in complex social situations soon.

His research was published in Nature.
