How long to hit Mortal Shell on PC, PS4, and Xbox One?

Soul-likes are not long just because they are difficult – there are many hidden paths and lore to be found in their vast worlds. Mortal Shell of developer Cold Symmetry, though Souls-like in nature, is almost not as long as its contemporaries. The 40+ hours it takes to defeat something like Nioh 2 can easily extend to 100+ hours if you hit your head – and maybe your controller – against its punishing challenges while exploring the unpredictable world. Mortal Shell looks at the adage “brevity is the soul of white”.

Launched on PC (via the Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, Mortal Shell makes the expected Souls-like length drastic. It will only take about 12 to 15 hours to complete the game.

The length of Mortal Shell is a stark contrast to the expectations of the genre, with most Souls-like easily reaching the range of 40 to 50 hours on the main campaign alone. Add secrets, optional bosses, hidden weapons, and such, and these lengths are much longer than first thought. Mortal Shell does not fit that mold, despite the availability of a New Game Plus that allows you to transfer equipment from your previous run.

For more, check out our Mortal Shell review. In other news, publisher Playstack has confirmed that physical editions of the game will launch on October 2 for $ 30 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The digital version, also priced at $ 30, will be released on August 18th.

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Spilet no: Mortal Shell – Tiel, The Acolyte Gameplay Trailer

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