How Coronavirus Can Spread Through the Air

Can the coronavirus spread through the air?

If possible.

The World Health Organization recently recognized the possibility that COVID-19 can spread in the air under certain conditions.

Recent outbreaks of COVID-19 in crowded indoor settings (restaurants, nightclubs, and choir practices) suggest that the virus may remain in the air long enough to infect others if social distancing measures are not strictly enforced.

Experts say lack of ventilation in these situations is believed to have contributed to the spread and could have allowed the virus to stay in the air longer than normal.

In a report published in May, the researchers found that talking produced respiratory droplets that could remain in the air in a closed environment for about eight to 14 minutes.

The WHO says that the people most at risk for airborne spread are doctors and nurses who perform specialized procedures, such as inserting a breathing tube or putting patients on a respirator. Medical authorities recommend the use of protective masks and other equipment when performing such procedures.

Scientists contend that being outside is much less risky than indoors because the virus droplets are dispersed outdoors, reducing the chances of COVID-19 transmission.


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