Hours before the loss of life in Covid-19, the nurse sends a loving message to her family

Sergio Humberto Pedila Hernandez prepared a final farewell to his family, while hopefully he can still recover.

God says, “I’ll be fine, we’ll move on,” he said in the video. “Whatever happens, you will always pursue my best interests, always. I love you and you are in my heart.”

The next worker died on November 6, just hours after being admitted to a hospital where he was working in Kuwaitmock, Mexico, his family said. He was only 28 years old.

Hernandez’s death rate is a deep wound left in the collective heart of the virus family. Hernandez’s sister, Dolores Pedila Hernandez, died on August 8 at the age of 30 from Covid-19, her cousin Adelberto Hernandez told CNN.

Almost the entire family fell ill with the virus this year, he said. Pedilla Hernandez’s mother was hospitalized for a short time, and her father is on oxygen at home, his cousin said. Dollars’ twin sister and her daughter also fell ill.

So far, Pedilla Hernandez’s wife, Dennis Hernandez, and their 5-year-old son, Sergio Hernandez III, have been healthy. But now they have to face life without a husband and father.

He risked his life to help others

Sergio and his son Sergio III, who is 5 years old.

Pedila Hernandez worked as a nurse at the Hospital Angeles Kuahtmok. His cousin said he runs from the service of life and has helped those people.

Yet Padilla Hernandez stayed away from the hospital for months when her mother and twin sisters fell ill with the virus in July. His family needed him and he couldn’t work because of the revelations, so he took care of his family.

When he returned to the hospital in mid-September, his cousin said he did it to fight the virus he saw plaguing his family.

Adelberto Hernandez said, “He went back to work and he was constantly on the front line with Covid at the hospital where his sister passed away and his mom was sick. Hernandez said.

On October 22, Pedila Hernandez tested positive for the Covid-19, her family said. When he recovered, he stayed at home.

But on November 5 he was having a hard time breathing. He knew he needed oxygen, so he went to the hospital, Adelberto Hernandez said.

“At that stage, all the tests showed that he had lost 90% of his lung function,” Adelberto Hernandez said. “The sad thing was that the doctors felt very confident in their chances because they didn’t have a previous state of health, they were young, healthy.”

That night, Pedila Hernandez made her own heartbreaking video to send to her family.

Edelberto Hernandez said, “Now that we see him again, he will almost certainly act as a goodbye.

‘It’s Like We Lost a Brother’

Sergio with his twin sisters and parents on the sisters' 30th birthday.

Adalberto Hernandez remembers spending time with Pedilla Hernandez, her twin sisters and their older sister at their family home in Fresno County, California.

“Growing up, we spent a lot of time together as kids,” said Adalberto Hernandez. “He was 12 years older than my junior, so I met him when he was younger. I got to babysit his sisters.”

When the Hernandez Padilla family returned to Mexico from California, they still tried to return to see the family.

Even though the families were many miles away and away from one country, they stayed close. Adalberto Hernandez, a 40-year-old elementary school principal in Medra, California, said he and his cousin had been in online contact over the years.

Hernandez loved the paddilla combat games and he and Adalberto watched Hernandez with boxing xing. She enjoyed traveling, a job as a nurse, and most of all, her family.

“He dedicated his life to serving and helping others, but more than that he was a son and a father. He had nothing but the greatest hopes and dreams for his son,” Adelberto Hernandez said.

He said that even his cousin looked like him and his siblings, sharing the equality of the family.

“It’s very sad for us,” he said. “It’s like we lost a brother.”

The family is struggling with medical bills

Sergio died on November 6, months after the death of his sister Dolores in Covid-19.

Adelberto Hernandez said the Tight Pad Pad della Hernandez family owns a furniture store in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Hernandez said the family now owes about 50,000 50,000 in medical debt between the death of Hernandez and his sister and his mother’s hospitalization.

Adelberto Hernandez said, “They went through a very good life and owned a furniture business and sold everything.” “He was going to help all the people and now his whole world is on the sidelines.”

“Now he’s gone, his sister is gone. He’s a less good guy to help people in need because that’s what he was.”

The California family has set up the GoFundMe page to help families survive this time of trouble. They want to start a savings account for Sergio III, the son of Pedilla Hernandez.

Pedila Hernandez gave her life to help others and her cousin hopes people take coronavirus more seriously, Adelberto Hernandez said.

“Watching that video not only breaks your heart and makes you appreciate life, but why does it feel that way?” He said. “Why this family? Why him? He just lost his sister.”

“Mommy, this is a fresh wound of losing a child and then now you have to see another child being destroyed,” he said. “It’s just incredible.”

Claudia Morales of CNN contributed to this report.
