Lots of harmony in the Universe, star signs!
Your horoscope for today is here with a daily astrology forecast for each of the zodiac signs on Wednesday July 15, 2020.
The Sun is in the sign of Cancer until July 22. The Moon is in the sign of Taurus.
What will today’s horoscope and all the astrological signs of the zodiac have in store for you?
The foundation is laid for a harmonious day as the Moon spends the day in the Taurus zodiac sign.
The Moon in Taurus is strong, but gentle. Taurus is a natural tender heart zodiac sign with a lot of inner strength and determination.
The goal of any Taurus is to love you and love all the beautiful things that life has to offer.
For that reason, astrologically, Wednesday is perfect for making art, changing the course of your life with an optimistic spirit and believing that good things come to those who wait.
The Moon in Taurus can encourage each zodiac sign to exercise restraint and patience.
All the signs of the zodiac have dreamy eyes on Wednesday when the Moon works in harmony with retrograde Neptune in Pisces.
Our ability to see beyond the scope of the problem is realized through our imaginations. Consider all the options for your problems on Wednesday, even the ones you find impossible to reach.
The moon in Taurus is lucky and lucky. On Wednesday, the Moon will work in harmony with the benevolent and fortunate Jupiter in the sign of Capricorn.
Some signs of the zodiac may discover that they are lucky in matters related to money. Others are fortunate in matters related to a job or career.
An unexpected but powerful change can happen on Wednesday. The Moon will be in harmony with Pluto, which is in conjunction with Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn.
For all the signs of the zodiac, working hard and staying true to your path is positive and can bring many good benefits for projects on Wednesday.
This is what all the zodiac signs can expect from today’s astrology and horoscopes on Wednesday July 15, 2020.
Today’s horoscope for Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You’ll want to feel comfortable in your own space, and if things have been a bit chaotic this week, you may not feel that way at home.
Spend time fixing things and getting in order.
Once you feel your personal space is in order, you can focus on other things.
Today’s horoscope for Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
It is the perfect day to put things in perspective and not let life depress you.
Use the power of words to overload your energy.
Read something that moves you, even if it’s a short but sweet story.
Allow your mind to remove any negatives you have had to digest through social media and fill it with better thoughts.
Today’s horoscope for Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Half Square Moon Mercury Orb -0 ° 52 ‘
Keep in mind the things he says, you may be inclined to speak without too much foresight and having to back off your words.
If you have a mishap, be sure to be the first to apologize.
Take ownership of what you say and do. His sincerity and genuine care for people will shine.
Today’s horoscope for cancer (June 21 – July 22)
It is a beautiful day to spend time with a friend and allow his presence to fill your life in a positive way.
Do something for someone close to you.
Don’t try to live this life alone.
Spend time with others who support you and give you love and respect.
Today’s horoscope for Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Sextile Sun Moon Orb + 1 ° 41 ‘
You learn from experience.
Today is a good time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.
You may want to participate in some form of work that challenges you face today.
Don’t be afraid to feel uncomfortable. It is the perfect opportunity for you to grow up.
Today’s horoscope for Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Be true to who you are. You may feel like you have to impress someone, but that’s not true.
Instead of working hard to fit into someone else’s mold of what is acceptable to be, just be yourself.
Being strong and sure of who you are will eliminate those who do not appreciate you.
You will have the opportunity to make room for those who do.
Today’s horoscope for Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
Today focus on solidifying your home life.
Participate or work on projects with people who have a strong commitment to integrity.
Imagine what your future will be like and how you are laying the foundation for your family.
Today’s horoscope for Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
It is the perfect day to relax and focus on the positive.
Do something special for yourself and let a little romance enter your life.
Schedule a special quality time with a friend and share and a memorable experience that is both playful and fun.
Today’s horoscope for Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Thanks, I have a fun way of working perfectly at the right time.
Try to avoid time to worry too much about the future.
Stay tuned to your current situation and be thankful for what you have in your possession right now.
Today’s horoscope for Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Start limiting your time spent on activities or adventures that are a waste of time.
Right now, it’s important that you take what you want seriously and start committing to taking the necessary actions to achieve a goal.
You may find it refreshing to remove certain things from your plate that you previously thought was good to have and learned that you don’t need them at all.
Today’s horoscope for Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Today focus on developing your relationship with your inner self.
It is a good day to spend some time in silence reflecting on the last six months.
You may want to start journaling or meditate. Pray and ask the universe what it takes to make the last 2020 better than it has been.
Today’s horoscope for Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Talk to the existence of what you want to have.
Today you have the opportunity to allow your creative energy to form a deep connection with your spirit.
Your words, spoken with conviction and confidence, can help you express what you want in your life.
Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is YourTango Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwest School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.