Hong Kong coronavirus: not wearing a mask outside could mean a $ 645 fine

On Monday, Hong Kong’s chief secretary Matthew Cheung announced that facial masks would be mandatory in indoor and outdoor public places starting Wednesday, and that criminals will face fines of up to HK $ 5,000 ($ 645), although it did not specify how the new measure would be enforced.

People with “reasonable excuses,” such as medical conditions or children under the age of two, will be exempt, he added.

Cheung also announced that the Chinese central government will help build a makeshift Wuhan-style hospital near Hong Kong airport with a capacity of around 2,000 hospital beds.

“The epidemic situation is critical,” Cheung said, adding that the next few weeks are extremely crucial for the city. “We face a high risk of outbreak in the community.”

The restrictions occur when the city faces an outbreak of coronavirus locally referred to as its “third wave”, with the origin of many still unknown infections. Hong Kong had been praised for its relative success in curbing the spread of the coronavirus. However, in On Monday, Hong Kong authorities reported more than 100 new cases for the sixth consecutive day, bringing the city’s total to more than 2,700.
People in facial masks are seen shopping at a fish stall inside a wet market on July 25, 2020 in Hong Kong.  (Vernon Yuen / NurPhoto photo via AP)
In the past two days, a 76-year-old woman and a 92-year-old man died from Covid-19, bringing the total number of deaths from coronavirus in the city to 20.

Before Monday’s numbers were announced, Cheung said that in the past 14 days, 1,163 new cases had been reported, and the origin of 492 of the infections could not be traced.

The new restrictions are the strictest rules introduced in Hong Kong, which had previously limited public meetings to four people.

When asked why the city did not impose a complete blockade, as other places around the world have, Cheung said doing so would be too inconvenient and said he thought the current measures were appropriate.

Sophia Chan, Hong Kong’s health secretary, said authorities were aiming to expand the tests. They planned to test vendors in 300 markets and around 14,000 minibus drivers.

Although most Hong Kong residents have voluntarily worn masks in public since the outbreak began earlier this year, face covers remain a highly controversial and politicized issue in other parts of the world. In the United States and elsewhere, a number of high-ranking politicians seem reluctant to endorse its use despite evidence showing that face masks protect both the user and others from Covid-19.

Hong Kong outbreak

Despite Hong Kong’s proximity to mainland China, where the first coronavirus cases were reported, the city has managed to keep its case count relatively low.

Authorities in Hong Kong warn of possible 'exponential growth' in coronavirus cases just weeks after restrictions are loosened

That success has been attributed to strict border regulations that prevent non-residents from entering the city, efficient tracking of contacts, and residents’ willingness to practice good hygiene, wear masks, and practice social distancing.

The situation has changed in recent weeks, with authorities warning of the potential for “exponential growth” in new cases after a sudden group of cases.

Earlier this month, authorities restricted the meetings to no more than four people, closed beaches, and demanded that restaurants close after 6 p.m., although take-out food was allowed to continue.

On Sunday, the Hong Kong Department of Health imposed new measures requiring crew members of cargo ships entering Hong Kong to remain on board during the ship’s stay in Hong Kong waters.

Flight crews must also submit a negative coronavirus test result 48 hours before boarding a flight to Hong Kong.

CNN’s Chermaine Lee and Isaac Yee contributed to this report.
