Honey ‘kills Antibiotics’ For coughs or colds

Honey 'kills antibiotics' for coughs or colds

  • Oxford University experts say patients should have honey instead of antibiotics
  • ‘Nectar of the Gods’ is full of antimicrobial compounds that are put there by bees
  • The study found that it reduced the frequency of coughs by 36% in patients
  • And that those who take honey reduced their severity of cough by 44%

Fourteen studies by Oxford University experts compared the treatment of patients with honey against ‘normal care’ – such as cough medicines and painkillers.

They found that honey was more effective in improving symptoms – especially the frequency and severity of coughs. In the case of the antihistamine-diphenhydramine, honey was ‘significantly better’ because it reduced the cough reduction by 50%.

Honey is the first traditional sweet fragrance used by Greeks since ancient times. Indeed, honey along with olives and grapes formed the beginnings of Greek gastronomy.

Greek honey is one of the most nutritious, natural foods, full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Honey contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal substances and has also been used for centuries as a treatment for throat and cough, small burns, cuts and other bacterial infections.

Studies show that honey is one of the easiest foods to digest and is known for its anti-cancer properties (rich in phenolic compounds) and also helps in preventing osteoporosis.

Honey 'kills antibiotics' for coughs or colds

The honey from Greece is considered to be some of the most beautiful on a global scale due to the unlimited summer sun, the biodiversity of the Greek countryside plus the rich variety of Greek flora, which includes more than 850 species that are nowhere else in ‘ the world can be found. Scientists and botanists consider Greece to be the country with the richest flora in the Mediterranean basin, (more than 7,500 different species of herbs, plants, wild flowers and trees).

Greek honey is richer in aromatic substances, compared to other honey produced in other countries; they have less moisture, which means they are denser and richer.

Combine all these facts together and you can begin to understand why Greek honey has a top position in the world market.

Basic types of Greek honey

THYME: Thyme honey is the most revered Greek honey, mainly because thyme-fed bees produce less honey, making it rarer and more expensive. Thyme honey is light in color, with an intense herbal aroma, and tends to crystallize after about 6 to 18 months, depending on storage conditions and temperature. Produced in the spring, when thyme blooms, are the most famous species of Crete and Kythera.

DIN: About 65% of all Greek honey is pine honey. The mahogany color highlights its rich mineral content, which includes potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium. It does not crystallize easily. Pine honey has the highest percentage of antioxidants of all Greek honey.

BLOSSOM: Of wild flowers and orange blossom, it has a delicious aroma that is more decent than other honey. It can crystallize more easily.

HEATHER: Produced in early autumn, after the first rains, when it is warm enough for heather to bloom. Dark, reddish in color and very thick, almost solid, it has a dispersible texture. It tends to crystallize in about three months.

CHESTNUT: Very different type, with a very weak, pleasant bitterness, it is one of the rarest Greek honey.

FIR: The only BOB Greek honey, from Vytina in the Peloponnese. It is considered one of the rarest and best and almost never crystallizes

Regions in Greece Where honey is produced

  • Crete and Kythera are famous for their timan honey.
  • Vytina, in the Peloponnesian hills around Tripoli, is famous for its fir-honey.
  • Halkidiki produces about 30% of all Greek honey.
  • The Dodecanese is a large commercial producer.
  • Epirus is home to some of the most unusual honey, especially bittersweet chestnut tree.

Cretan Honey wins second place at the 2020 Mediterranean Taste Awards

Tags: Cretan Honey, Cretan Hour Honey, Greek News, Honey, Manolis A. Tzanidakis, Mediterranean, Mediterranean Diet, Mediterranean Taste Awards 2020, MTA 2020, Oxford University, Tzanis