Highlights of the Steam Summer offer

Steam’s summer offer is really underway. As of July 9, there are hundreds and thousands of great games for sale. Too many, if you ask us, but hey, they all like it a lot, right? To help you navigate this latest deluge of games that are getting cheap, RPS Treehouse has brought their collective and socially distanced heads together to bring you our best Steam Summer Sale recommendations.

It is by no means a complete list: we would be here until the end of time if we list all the good deals that happen over the next two weeks, but hopefully you can remember your memory of that game you have always wanted to play but never came to buy. To the offers!

Outdoor wilds

What is it? A real-time exploration game about the mysteries of space where the sun turns into a supernova every 22 minutes.
Price: £ 12.99 / $ 16.65 / € 13.99 (33% off)

Katharine: Outer Wilds was our Game of the Year in 2019, and with good reason. It’s a mysterious game about a race of space-condemned aliens that once inhabited your solar system, and it’s up to you to discover what happened to them by following a trail of clues spanning entire planets. You have total freedom to pursue any point of the plot that you feel like. The only slight downside is that your sun will implode after 22 minutes, erasing all life as you know it. Oops

Luckily for you, you’re stuck in a time loop thanks to a weird piece of ancient alien technology, so you can relive that brief window of time over and over again until you figure out how to break the cycle and get the sun out to behave. in short, a game in which the events of the distant past bite your ass again so deeply that you will have to break all the laws of physics to fix things again. A game for much of our time, then. Backed by a dazzling soundtrack and brilliantly written story, Outer Wilds is a must-have game now that it’s on Steam, especially when it’s just over ten percent on sale.

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

What is it? A coming of age story from Studio Ghibli-esque cleverly combining the best snippets of city builders and real-time strategy games in a JRPG wrapper
Price: £ 14.99 / $ 17.99 / € 17.99 (70% off)

Katharine: Ni No Kuni II is that rare JRPG that seems made specifically for PC. Beneath its bright and cheery anime look and somewhat traditional story about saving the world and bringing peace to warring nations, there is a game that also works as an attractive city builder and accessible RTS fighter, taking advantage of the basics. PC classics without getting too bogged down in gritty detail.

I found him infinitely more engaging than his predecessor, Wrath Of The White Witch, and I probably spent as much time completing his side quests and recruiting new people for my budding kingdom as I performed the main story. Yes, you will have to get over the fact that the main character is a cat prince named Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum (yes, for real), but it’s still one of the best RPG games on PC today, and it’s worth a try with 70% discount.


What is it? A first-person adventure game about a structural analyst who inspects infrastructure in a European city on a disastrous day.
Price: £ 5.94 / € 6.99 / $ 7.49 (75% off)

No boat, sadly.

Alice0: Infra’s premise is not one you have heard before, nor one you would expect from a game that looks like a spin-off of Half-Life 2. Outside, go with your camera, flashlight, and hi-visibility jacket to explore preys, plants of energy, tunnels, water treatment plants and factories abandoned while accidents accumulate (?).

There is a nice amount of “What are you?” for this game, with parts that feel almost like Deus Ex. Sometimes it seems like you’ll never make it back to the surface, getting trapped in an underground world of tunnels, drains, ruins, mutant mushrooms, conspiracy and closed communes. Occasional large, strange and immersive sim vibrations. I will confess looking for some puzzle answers but it is a great adventure and a pleasure to look at civil engineering projects.

Yakuza 0

What is it? The prequel to the Sega RPG series, set in the nighttime districts of Tokyo and Osaka in 1988.
Price: £ 3.74 / € 4.99 / $ 4.99 (75% discount)

Wrestledaddy great.

Alice0: This game has everything: punches; bustling karaoke city streets; fishing; Chinese domino; property disputes; Out Run and other old Sega arcade machines; smash bicycles over the heads of fools; parents who need help connecting with their children; a night club to manage; parents who need help connecting with their daughters; a fighting style that is just breakdance; a chicken that you can hire for your real estate company; a politely won fight; children who need help with their self-confidence; slot machine races; adults who need help with their self-confidence; and missions to help imitations of Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg.

Yakuza is a wonderful melodrama, totally committed to the serious criminal intrigue that underpins the plot and the silly fun of everything else. Our two protagonists are gangsters with steel fists and hearts of gold, the greatest fighters emerged from the identification of video games. It is also huge, so it will take you until winter.

Titanfall 2

What is it? Impressive but overlooked the sequel to Respawn’s FPS mechanical fighter, with a solid multiplayer and one of the best single-player campaigns in the genre.
Price: £ 8.24 / $ 9.89 / € 9.89 (67% off)

Nate I haven’t played a lot of FPS games in the past few years, but I’m so glad that I decided to give Titanfall 2 a spin, as it has a reputation for being one of the most neglected joys in the world of simulated fighting, and I will give it to you. deserves everything. It has a perfectly useful multiplayer mode that it shares quite a bit in common with its battle cousin, Apelegs. But for me, the jewel in the crown is your single player campaign, and for eight pounds it’s worth the price just for that.

Creative, pacy, and much better written than he should have been, Titanfall 2 tells the story of a boy and a huge, lovable mech he rides on, named BT. The action is divided between the sections you are on in BT, feeling like a god while handing out artillery justice, and the sections you run on foot to clean your paddle for more gigabeasting. With some killer-level concepts (like the one where you fight in a factory that makes cities, or the one where you jump between two realities) and some satisfying boss fights with nasty mercenaries in their own chug outfits, it’s a great way to spend a day .

Total War: Warhammer 2

What is it? Massive strategic reflection with real-time battles with thousands of soldiers on each side, with goblins and skeletons and that.
Price: £ 13.59 / $ 20.39 / € 20.39 (66% off)

Nate It’s Total War: Warhammer 2! For just over half the price of a real box of 20 Warhammer goblins. That’s a lot more goblins for your money. And you don’t have to paint them either. You don’t even have to play as goblins if you’re some kind of fool.

And of course, there is still a DLC load containing additional factions for TW: WH2, which is not included in the purchase price. And if you want to be really mega and play the Mortal Empires mode that links the game’s campaign map to that of Total War: Warhammer, you’ll need to purchase the original game to do so, but since it’s also for sale for a tenner, that’s quite feasible.

And as my giant spider sense tells me it won’t be too Long before TW: WH3 comes out, which in turn will allow for even more ridiculous map binding, it makes sense to incorporate these games now so that you’re ready when Ogre Time arrives.

The Red Ropes Club

What is it? A cyberpunk adventure game about detectives, transhumans and happiness.
Price: £ 5.69 / $ 7.49 / € 7.49 (50% discount)

Mate: Another Steam sale, another chance to recommend The Red Strings Club. Since unfortunately most of the people who have known me broadcast, I really like the philosophical caricature, especially when the caress revolves around transhumanism or morals. This is full of both, and even if that’s not your jam, you’ll probably enjoy neat conversation mini-games where you manipulate people by mixing the right words with the mind-altering cocktail.

Everything is very smart, and thinking about it has made me want to play it again.

Receiver 2

What is it? A devilishly good FPS on how to steal your dreams from robots (probably).
Price: £ 13.94 / $ 17.99 / € 15.11 (10% off)

Mate: Receiver 2 is only 10% off, but it’s good enough not to think you care. It’s an FPS roguelike about prowling the dystopian rooftops, dealing with terrifying turrets that can kill you in a second.

More specifically, it’s about trying to do it with pistols that require a separate button press for every conceivable interaction. Those weapons are also broken. He will scream and scream when his Colt M1911 gets another stove, and he will cry when he accidentally shoots himself because he forgot to put it away slowly.

Then you will start again and beg you to be more careful.

Of course, there are plenty more games worth screaming for on the Steam Summer Sale, so if you have your own recommendations, honk in the comments below.

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