HHS Secretary Alex Azar says the department will not work with Biden’s team until the federal agency decides it will win.

“We have made it very clear that when the GSA commits, we will ensure full, cooperative business transitions and planning.” “We follow the guidelines. We’re exploring vaccines and therapeutic findings and will get clinical trial data and save lives here. Our focus is right there as we move forward with our efforts.”

Azar’s recognition as a regular recognition by the GSA in the face of a clear presidential victory is known as the “process” that could initiate an official transition. But big news networks, so-called Biden’s election nearly two weeks ago, have long launched legal challenges to President Donald Trump’s campaign in many states, although they are unlikely to reverse the results.

Sources told CNN that GSA-led Trump-appointed Emily Murphy is working to follow what she sees as an example of interpreting vague agency guidelines and waiting to sign up on the election result. But she has not publicly stated what the decisive line will be, and states are still working to certify their results.
Meanwhile, an administrative official tells CNN that the HHS Staff have been informed that if anyone from Biden’s team contacts them they should not communicate with them and should instead warn the Deputy Surgeon General of Communications.

It is not clear how the instructions were widely disseminated to the department, and the HHSA referred the GSA to a request for comment. A spokesman for the agency described the instructions as routine and said “directions are given for each transition before a determination is made.”

Biden on Wednesday criticized the Trump administration for not officially declaring him the winner and warned that his transition team could fall behind as a result of not being able to work with the administration.

“Soon, we will be weeks and months behind, which we have two drug companies come up with and be able to keep up with the whole initiative of 95% efficacy, efficiency in vaccines, the biggest promise we have made together.” He said.

HHS Health Assistant Secretary Adam. Brett Giroire told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “Outfront” Wednesday evening that the HHS guidance on the Biden transition team is “rule” until confirmed.

He said, ‘I don’t make rules.’ “We all want to be transparent.”

Giroire added that, regardless of the circumstances, “there will be no delay in vaccine delivery.”

“I want to reassure Americans – and to the extent that I can, I assure Biden’s transition team – that they expect no harm for months, weeks or even a day,” he said. “Remember, almost all the people working on these teams are career executives. They won’t go.”

Yet, Dr. Several leading health experts, including Anthony Fauci, have stressed the need for more cooperation between the Trump administration and Biden’s team. The co-chair of the President-elected Covid-19 Advisory Council has stressed the lack of real-time access to data and information on treatments, test supplies, personal protective equipment, ventilators, hospital bed capacity or supply of strategic national stockpiles. Hinders their efforts.

“We haven’t been able to sit down with the Trump administration at all, to understand what plans are already in place, where there are gaps, where help is needed, and we can be sure that there is an easy hand.” The date will be given later, “Dr. Rick Bright, a member of Biden’s Covid-19 advisory board, told CNN’s John Berman on Wednesday’s” New Day. “

Although Trump has repeatedly refused to acknowledge his electoral losses, Biden won by the same margin and won the popular vote by hand in the presidential election four years ago. The Trump administration has so far refused to cooperate in other areas, including national security, where Biden has been barred from receiving intelligence briefings during the transition.

The story has been updated with comments from HHS official Admit Brett Giroir.

CNN’s Jacqueline Howard, Paul LeBlanc and Naomi Thomas contribute to this report.
