Here’s what we know about the Earth’s new minimum

For the second time in history, astronomers have discovered a new, natural-origin that orbits the Earth. Minimoon, also known as 2020CD3 (abbreviated CD3), was first discovered by Capper Verizchos and Teddy Prune using data from the Catalina Sky Survey. Once the orbit of CD3 was determined to be geocentric, Belfast Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Queen’s University, Dr. Gregory Fedorets assembled a team of 23 astronomers from around the world to determine his identity. Based on the team’s findings, a paper was published on November 24, 2020 Astronomical Journal, Characteristic of the minimum oon.

One of the main reasons for the cautious nature of the identification process is that we have been fooled before! High-stage rocket boosters spent from lunar missions for asteroids have been mistaken in the past. Both the Apollo 12 and Chinese Chang 2 missions left the upper stages, which soon passed for minimums. The legendary ESA Rosetta spacecraft observed by the Catalina Sky Survey in 2007 during Earth’s flyby is another hilarious case of man-made error for an asteroid.84. There is something amusing about spacecraft that was bound to visit a comet by mistake for a planet.

Rosetta and its lander Fili at Comet 67P / Churyomov-Gerasimenko. On Earth’s flyby before reaching the comet, the spacecraft was misidentified as a planet! Credit: ESA

What is CD3, and how can we be sure that it is not a human-related space debris? Like all objects in the solar system, minimums experience little pressure from solar wind and solar radiation. This effect is directly proportional to the surface area of ​​the object in question. By measuring the size of the Gra object and simply observing the deviations in its orbit predicted by the effect of its gravity, we can gain a useful understanding of our goal.

When asked about this, no major author Astronomical Journal In the paper, Gregory Fedorets commented, “We compare the surface area to the mass. For rocket boosters, which are hollow, the surface is much higher than the mass ratio. Another way to look at it is to look at the sun Less Influencing the orbit of CD3 than we expect anything man-made, which leads us to determine that the object is solid. It is now assumed that some budgets are made of some kind of silicate. Essentially, as one would expect, it is a space-rock.

Apollo 17’s S-! The VB stage is similar to the Apollo 12 stage, which was mistaken for an asteroid. The hollow nature of these phases means that they are more easily pushed by solar radiation. Credit: NASA

How big is our new neighbor? Is this something to worry about? What will happen if the minimum collides with the earth? When space-stones are found close to the earth, questions like these inevitably pop up. In resolving such horrible questions, the Fedorets put it this way; This particular minimum diameter is one or two meters. If its meaning falls on the earth it burns into the atmosphere. ”The federates continue,“… in general; These minimums are too small. ”

Another reason to ease your mind is that CD3 has left the Earth-Moon system! By calculating the path of the object behind that time we know that it was a minimum to start. He was discovered as he stepped out of the Earth-Moon system. Before he left, he was captured for 2.7 years. “The capture time is really quite extended,” Fedorets explained, “according to our simulation, the average minimum will only be captured for nine months … that’s a longer capture time than expected.”

Animation of the path of 2020 CD3. Credit: Phoenix 7777 Data Source: Horizons System, JPL, NASA
To give a true-color composite image of the 2020CD3, there are three long exposures of different colors. Rays are stationary stars that are sniffed due to the minimal motion of the truck. Credit: International Gemini Observatory / National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory of NSF / AURA / G. Federates

CD3 not only stuck longer than expected, but also rotated more slowly than most simulated minimums, with a rotating period of once every three minutes. Compared to a massive object like a planet, it looks fast, but given the small size of this object, it is a very fun spin.

The CD3 is the second natural minimal to be discovered, the first being the R62006 RH120, which was discovered fourteen years ago. Should we expect this momentum to continue? If not the way of the astronomical community.

The next Vera Rubin Observatory should blow the doors of the minimum search rate. According to the federation, the observatory will get a much higher minimum. “We would expect to find one every two or three months in the best case.” With the first light expected in 2021, we are very well on the verge of a new era in minimal astronomy (along with a myriad of other researches associated with observations of this magnitude).

Vera Rubin Observatory under construction in 2017 (then known as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope or LSST) Credit: LSST

Objects like CD3 are especially interesting to astronomers. Unlike minerals on the surface of the earth, which undergo various meteorological and geological processes, asteroidal material is ancient. Fedorets commented, “They [objects like CD3] Contains the oldest material in the solar system and a detailed study of them reveals how the solar system was born and shaped. He goes on to say, “Finding such an object object is a rare behavior for astronomers … One day it would be fun to go and visit one of these, touch it with some equipment and learn more about the solar system … and we don’t.” They really know a lot about objects and sizes from this meter to ten-meter size. They don’t study much because they are very difficult to find. “

Extraordinary discoveries in dark matter, gravitational waves, black holes, supernovae and exoplanets (not to mention other crew and unmanned spacecraft), all big headlines. These terrific stories often inspire many of us to comment that we are living in the golden age of astronomy. We should not ignore small, home-based inventions like CD3. This bed-sized lump of space rock may be a bit of a thing, but the current and future study of these and similar objects is a big deal.

Catalina Sky Survey
Rubin Observatory