Here’s how to treat a 74-year-old with covid-19

But it’s worth noting that Trump is among those at greater risk of complications from serious disease or coronavirus: he is 74 years old and is considered obese based on his height and weight. And he takes statins to help control his cholesterol.

“You don’t struggle to take care of the White House president, when you can take him to a really, very safe facility with world-class staff,” Rainer told CNN about Verter Reed. “But you’ll only do it if you think his respiratory condition has deteriorated.”

Trump has had a fever since Friday morning, according to someone familiar with the matter. Earlier, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told reporters that Trump had “mild symptoms.” Others who spoke to him on Thursday said his voice sounds hoarse, though some believe he was putting it under pressure during a recent campaign rally.

On Friday afternoon, the President’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley said in a White House letter that Trump received an antibody cocktail – tested by biotechnology company Regeneron – and zinc, vitamin D, the heartburn drug femotidine, melatonin and daily aspirin.

CNN Medical Analyst and Baltimore Health Commissioner Dr. “The president is likely to make a full recovery,” said Liana Wayne. He added that 40% of people who contract Covid-19 have no symptoms and recover.

“Presumably we have a long way to go when it comes to seeing if those symptoms develop and whether he is seriously ill,” he said.

Here’s what a treatment plan might look like for a 74-year-old man like the president.

It depends on if the person is symptomatic

When it comes to Covid-19 treatment, whether the patient shows symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath and cough is serious.

Health care workers focus on “therapeutic treatment” for the virus, ”Wayne said.

Timeline: President Donald Trump's activities this week

“You treat the symptoms. If someone feels uncomfortable, they treat it.” Wayne said. “But there is no antibiotic or antiviral that we can take at the moment. There is no pill that you can take.”

Most patients with mild symptoms can manage the illness at home, and there is no recommended treatment. But if their condition worsens and they develop more severe symptoms, they should be closely monitored. Some experts have suggested that people who test positive for Covid-19 and are recovering at home should consult a doctor about using a pulse oximeter – a medical device that measures a person’s oxygen saturation in red blood cells – to monitor their oxygen oxygen. Level and whether they need more supportive care.

In Trump’s case, it’s too early to know what course the illness will take. Dr. Ov Regan, Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Health and Sciences. Covid-19 can start mildly, sometimes causing more severe symptoms after seven to 10 days, Esther Chu said.

The incubation period – the time in which symptoms develop after someone is infected – is two to 14 days, Wayne said, averaging about five to seven days.

“After that, it could take another week or so for a serious illness to occur,” he said.

Overall, “74-year-olds typically have a hospital admission rate of about 0%, ICUs have an IC-to-10% rate, and an average mortality rate of 2 to 4%,” said Dr. Rochelle Valensky told CNN at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Vale Lansky said there are risk factors such as obesity and increased risk of serious illness in patients with heart disease, but it is difficult to predict how multiple risk factors will interact.

“Usually during the first five to 11 days or so, you get headaches, you get muscle aches, you feel healthy,” said General Lensky, adding that doctors can do as much as they can to treat outpatients. No.

“What happens in 11 to 14 days if people make progress is that they have trouble breathing, they get different types of respiratory symptoms, and they may submit to hospitalization.”

Severely ill patients may need more intensive care when their body is fighting infection. This may include mechanical ventilation to increase oxygen oxygen or dialysis to combat the effects on the body. But those measures do not just cure the virus.

Patients can access experimental therapy

U.S. No drugs are approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Covid-19.
But there are also some research treatments, such as antiviral rimadesivir Recommended for some patients. The FDA issued the Emergency Use Author Therapy (EUA) in May for the treatment of hospitalized vulnerable patients.
U.S.  There are many rationed Covid-19 medicine in developing countries
In August Gust, the FDA issued the EUA for Convective Plasma, which is obtained from the blood of patients who have recovered from coronavirus infection, stating that “the known and potential benefits of the product outweigh the known and potential risks of the product.”

The director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a specialist in virology and immunology, Dr. Paul Fitte said that if necessary, the President could also reach out to the Covid-19 treatment off-label under the “compassionate use” protocol. This means that he may be allowed to access an experimental product outside of a clinical trial.

“I would be surprised if he can’t get it,” Fitt said, adding that such treatment would be needed only if Trump develops serious or severe symptoms.

“Most of these treatments are for hospitalized patients,” added Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security.

If Trump develops more severe symptoms, the first step to treatment would be “simple things like oxygen or intravenous fluids if necessary,” Adalaja said.

In addition, remedizivir is an alternative, he told CNN, as dexamethasone is a type of steroid that patients need oxygen therapy for.

“Those are the two that are the standard of care,” Adalaja said.

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Companies are investigating monoclonal antibody therapy – antibodies made in the lab to target Covid-19 in humans. Some researchers have suggested that this treatment method may be administered before symptoms develop in a person.

But it advises fit people to approach this idea with caution, as it can certainly be obscured when a person is exposed to coronavirus.

“If you look at the data, if you give it within the first two days of exposure, you can save people from getting sick,” he said, “but if you give it after, you probably can’t.”

Vale Lansky of Massachusetts General Hospital added that regenerators recently shared some promising results from preliminary tests showing that its antibody can reduce levels of cocktail virus and improve symptoms in Covid-19 patients.

Regenero confirmed on Friday that he had provided an 8-gram dose of cocktail for the president through his compassionate use program. The company insists that limited supplies are available for such requests, which must be initiated by the patient’s physician and approved under “rare, exceptional circumstances.”

Treatment does not have emergency authorization from the FDA, but can be accessed through compassionate use or through a clinical trial. However, trial patients do not know if they have received the drug, or placebo, which does nothing.

Rainer told CNN that the decision to give President Trump an experimental monoclonal antibody cocktail shows just how concerned the White House is about his Covid-19 diagnosis.

“The big news there is that he got an experimental drug. He got a drug that wasn’t approved by the FDA,” said Rainer, who treated former Vice President Dick Cheney.

“So, it’s interesting that he had a compassionate use of experimental medicine, which speaks to the level of anxiety he has. The point is – he speaks to the level of anxiety. Seven million Americans have Covid-19, and basically about” none of them No. “Rainer said.” The fact that they’ve given him regenerative medication speaks volumes to his level of anxiety.
