Here’s how to see five planets and the moon without a telescope on Sunday.

Set your alarm and get up early on Sunday, July 19. Approximately 45 minutes before sunrise, you will be able to see five planets and the crescent moon without using a telescope. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, as well as the moon, will be visible.

© Bill Dunford / NASA

The crescent moon and Venus seen in 2018.

Jeffrey Hunt, an astronomy educator and former planetarium director who wrote about the event in a post on his site, When the Curves Line Up, told me about the best way to take a look.


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“Get out early in the morning, at least an hour before sunrise,” said Hunt. “Find all four bright planets: Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. They look like too bright stars. Bright Venus is low in the east-northeast. Mars is the lone ‘star’ in the southeast, and Jupiter and Saturn are the stars in the southwest. In your eyes, they won’t look like spacecraft photos, just too bright stars. “

Mercury may be the most difficult to detect. Hunt advises trying Mercury about 45 minutes before sunrise and using binoculars.

On his website, Hunt offers tips for finding each planet. Venus says, “It will burn in the eastern sky.” The thin crescent moon will be very low in the east-northeast part of the sky, and will only be illuminated about 1 percent. Mercury will be to the right of the moon, Mars will be approximately half the sky in the south-southeast, Jupiter will be just above the horizon in the southwest, and Saturn will be in the upper left corner of Jupiter.

Novice astronomers may want to seek technological help. “Google Sky, Night Sky and Star Walk are apps that can help early risers locate planets in the sky,” says Hunt.

The view will be visible in both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. From the south of the equator, Hunt observes, Mars is in the northwest rather than the southeast.

If you miss it, you will still be able to see all five planets in the sky for a few additional mornings after July 19, but you won’t see the moon, either.

“On successive mornings, look 3-4 minutes earlier each day,” advises Hunt. “You can catch (the five planets) in the sky until July 25.”

Miss this meeting of the five planets and the moon, and you’ll have to wait a little. The next time we see this meeting in late June 2022, Hunt told me.

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