Here’s a look at the complete map of Cyberpunk 2077

By Sheriff Said, Monday, 5 October October 2020 10:33 GMT

Thanks to the goodies included with each physical copy of Cyberpunk 2077, we can now see the full map of the game.

Cyberpunk 2077, Whose developer, CD Project Red, has gone into a mandatory crunch to hit the announced November release date, has not shown a full map of Knight City since it was released.

We’ve seen pieces and pieces about culture and visuals from different districts, but never an overhead look at anything the world has to offer. It’s a good thing that then the physical version of the game comes with a full map print.

The same thing has found its way online, showing that production of retail discs and related goodies has begun. The picture (by Resitera), is not the best quality, but it works.

The overall surface area, as indicated before Project CD Red, appears small compared to the Victor 3, but its urban world is much smaller, due to its ability to penetrate many buildings. Indeed, CDPR’s goal was to target a shorter main campaign compared to The Witcher 3, so many players didn’t finish later.

Along with that picture on the map, postcards included with the physical version of the game also appeared online. Beyond that, that version comes with a combination of some stickers, a reversible cover and a game world.

Cyberpunk 2077 is November 19 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X / S. If you want this bonus, you can pre-order a boxed copy pin on Amazon.

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