Heather Morris Grieves by Naya Rivera on Instagram

Naya Rivera and Heather Morris as Santana and Brittany.
Photo: Courtesy of FOX.

Heather Morris is the last Joy Star to publicly mourn the loss of his co-star Naya Rivera, who died saving her son in Lake Piru at age 33. Morris played Brittany Pierce, Santana’s best friend, girlfriend and wife in one of the Joyromantic story lines which is most appreciated by fans. On July 15, Morris shared a long message on Instagram, accompanied by photos of their children playing together because “we hate each other for taking photos … our relationship meant more than proof.” Morris also writes about the last time he had a chance to see Rivera in person: He had planned a socially estranged wave through the window, but instead left oranges at his door. She concludes the heartbreaking legend by writing: “So I’m showing the world a picture of our little balls of nonsense for you, because I know that meant more than anything and they remind me of you and me. I talk to you every day because I know that you are still with me and although I am greedy that we don’t spend more time together, I appreciate every moment we have and keep it close to my heart. ” The full title says:

We start as the closest friends and then, like all new things, we go through a rocky phase. However, we stay side by side and create the most beautiful friendship built with love and understanding. The last time I had a chance to see you in person, I left oranges outside our house for you to take. I wanted to say hi through the window, but my phone didn’t ring when you called (which it never does, fucking T-Mobile), so you and Josey left two succulents at the door as thanks. I planted those succulents and look at them every day and think of you. I still listen to your EP on repeat because from the moment I listened to it, it caught my attention and I always wished that the world knew more about your voice. You sent me over 5 dozen SnapChat videos when you and Josey woke up in the morning and I kicked myself that I didn’t save one of them. You always shared recipes and I admired your love of food. We promised to spend all of Easter together, even though Covid stole this one from us. You are and always will be the strongest and most resistant human being I know, and I promised to take him with me as I continue to live my life.

You constantly taught me lessons about pain, about beauty and balance, about being strong, resilient, and about not caring (but somehow being respectful). However, the most important lesson I learned about everything from you was to be a constant and loving friend. You were the first to sign up, the first to ask questions, the first to listen … you appreciated our friendship and I never took that for granted.

We never took photos together because we hated each other taking photos … our relationship meant more than a test. I have countless photos of our babies playing, because we share that kind of pride and joy. So I’m showing the world a picture of our little fool balls for you, because I know that meant more than anything and they remind me of you and me. I talk to you every day because I know you are still with me and even though I feel greedy that we don’t spend more time together, I appreciate every moment we have and keep it close to my heart.