Hayden Hurst of the Falcons supports Cowboys Dak Prescott speaking on mental health

Hayden Hurst, the tight end of the Atlanta Falcons, said the Dallas Cowboys Quartet approached Hurst after Sunday’s game after he had made “disgusting” remarks about the start of Practcott’s mental health, ignoring Forks Sports 1.

Prescott recently shared in an episode of “In Depth with Graham Bansinger” that he sought help from Se Fasen for the anxiety and frustration caused by the deaths of his older brothers, Jess and the coronavirus epidemic. Jess Prescott died by suicide in April. Quarterback’s mother died in 2013 of colon cancer.

In response to Prescott’s remarks, Belles said on his “undisputed” show, “I have no sympathy [Prescott] ‘I got frustrated’ and ‘going public,’ early in COVID I faced the indifference that I can’t work either. ‘Look, that’s the quarterback of the American team. Fox later issued a statement condemning Bellis’ remarks.

Hearst, who was open about dealing with suicide attempts and anxiety and frustration, said he was horrified by Bayless’s words.

“To be completely honest with you, when I ignore what Bayless is saying, it really upsets me – that Dak has the courage to come out and talk about it and how it affected his family, how it affected him – and that. [Bayless] Hurst was released on ESPN on Tuesday. Said, “Comments, I was just disgusted,” one guy comes out and talks about the subject and using his platform and helping and saving lives, I got nothing but respect for him. Because I know how difficult it is to be out of this kind of stuff.

“It hit my family hard. My uncle killed himself. My cousin killed himself. And I had my own drug and I was trying to commit suicide. I know how much courage it takes to come out and talk about it.” For a person like [Bayless] To blast Dak on his show on national television, I think he’s just wrong. So I wanted to go over the post and talk to him and tell him how much I appreciated him. “

After the Cowboys’ 30-39 victory on Sunday, the video stopped Hurst from telling Prescott, “Hey, I’m so honored for what you did, came out and talked. Me and my mom have a foundation for suicide prevention. Talk about it. Respect your hell for doing that, man. “

Prescott responded with a suggestion that they would collaborate one day, to which Hurst replied, “Absolutely.”

“I thought it was horrible,” Hurst told ESPN. “I’m sure Dak Prescott doesn’t really know I’m not. But I know that courage, because a lot of people don’t like to talk about mental health. They’re afraid to talk about it. They’re embarrassed. If Dak Prescott. If people like that could come out and talk about it, I think it would save a lot of lives. I think it’s great. I’m a fan of it. And I’ll always be a fan of Dak Prescott. I think it’s one of the coolest. Person. “

Hurst previously shared his story of a suicide attempt in January 2016 while he was in a college lodge in South Carolina. He had an unsuccessful attitude in secondary league baseball as a pitch due to a throwing condition known as “Yips” and he started using drugs and drinking heavily, then tried to cut his wrist. He survived by telling himself to “come to the moment of Jesus”, and now he is trying to educate others about dealing with depression.

Hayden founded the Hayden Hurst Foundation with his mother, Kathy, to raise awareness of mental health issues in children and adolescents through fundraising for mental health services and programs through donations and funding programs. Foundation October 19 in Atlanta. A charity will host the golf event.
