Hasan Minhaj’s ‘Patriot Act’ is coming to an end, and we will never forget these episodes

Now more than ever, we need sharp political comments from comedians who shed light on the many problems facing the US today. Needless to say, the cancellation of Netflix’s award-winning show of Hasan Minhaj Patriot Act is heartbreaking news. For the past two years, Minhaj has entertained audiences with his pointed acts about current events, as well as getting them to think about their own place in the world itself. It’s something he learned well from Jon Stewart, the Daily Show host who brought him before his departure as a correspondent.

Patriot ActThe political satire has provided many moments that are equally funny and precise. Here, we look at some of the best episodes that have made us laugh en made us think.

Hasan Minhaj hosts 13th annual Stand Up For Heroes event
Hasan Minhaj Attends 13th Annual Stand Up For Heroes Event | John Lamparski / Getty Images

‘Student loans’

It’s hard to make depressing things funny, and Minhaj acknowledges this in his episode on student loans. “Try to owe 20 minutes comedy out of student money!” he says frustratingly as the audience bursts out laughing. However, there is not much to laugh about: much of the episode highlights the predatory lending practices of private student lending companies, and how they have hurt young Americans for decades while not investing in their future.


Streetwear brand Supreme often deserves criticism for the hypebeasts who wear their clothes (and sell them for obscene prices). Patriot ActThe episode about the market delves deep into the market and the culture around it, and dissects its problems in ways that have never been discussed before. Of course, Minhaj does all this in a classically funny way, because he indicates how ridiculous it all is.

‘Why your public transport sucks’

Even the most robust public transportation systems in the US like New York’s MTA and Chicago’s CTA proved to be comparable to those in Europe, Asia and other developed regions of the world. This is thanks to a number of different factors, which is why Minhaj breaks into the episode and explains “why your public transportation sucks.” It is shocking to hear the truth about how the government has worked to suppress the development of public transit in the US, but Minhaj, as always, is able to bring levity to the situation.

‘Why We Can’t Retire’

It is a problem that numerous Millennials have realized in recent years: the financial burdens passed down from older generations (combined with crushing student loan debt) prevent most Millennials from incurring large financial obligations such as retirement and owning a home. For this episode, Minhaj enlisted the help of none other than Senator Bernie Sanders to address why young people today are facing these issues, and offer solutions for a better future.

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‘The ugly truth of fast fashion’

Equal to Patriot ActThe Supreme Episode, Minhaj exposes the problems with fast fashion brands like H&M and Zara and the damage they cause to humans and the planet. He sheds light on how simple people really are, while also getting to reflect on their own behaviors and shopping habits.

‘The real cost of cruising’

Summer 2020 came and went with many of the travel industry closing down. While this may be shocking to some, you may find this happier once you see it Patriot ActThe episode of the problems with the cruise industry.

‘Why Your Internet Sucks’

In another installation in the ‘why you [blank] sucks ”series, Minhaj breaks out how the internet had to become what it is today, and how internet services were dominated by only a few companies. The internet connects us today more than we could have ever imagined a generation ago, and while it’s an exciting idea, Minhaj explains why internet service providers are doing bad business practices today – all while of course laughing.