Harry Styles returns ‘Manly Man’ comments on Candace Owens

It is a sign of the times.

Harry Styles threw some subtle shades at Candace Owens on Wednesday in response to a political pundit’s criticism of his Vogue cover, in which he wore a Gucci ball gown.

While Kelly was eating, he wrote in a photo caption, wearing a powder blue suit and a shuffled shirt, “Bring back the dirty men.”

In November, Owens, 31, tweeted 26-year-old style words in his caption.

“There is no society that can survive without strong men. The East knows this. In the West, it is no coincidence that our men are at the same time static feminization or when children are taught Marxism. It’s a complete attack. Bring back the skilled men. ”

Styles also addressed Ons’ remarks in a new interview with Variety on Wednesday, saying, “Don’t wear. [something] Since it’s women’s clothing, you’ve taken off the clothes of the whole world. And I think what’s amazing right now is that you can wear whatever you like. It doesn’t have to be X or Y. Those lines are becoming more and more obscure. “

“Watermelon Sugar” singer Vogue’s first solo male cover star.

He told the publication that he has an appreciation for women’s clothing and that it is inspired by gender-bending artists such as David Bowie, Prince, Elvis, Freddie Mercury and Elton John, whose music he is also a fan of.

Stylis said, ‘Now I’ll put something that looks really bright, and I don’t think it’s crazy to wear it.’ “I think if you find something that makes you look beautiful, it’s like a superhero outfit. Clothes are there to have fun and to experiment and play. “

He added, “The really amazing thing is that all these lines are just about to crumble. When you take ‘there are clothes for men and there are clothes for women’, once you remove any obstacles, naturally you can open an arena in which you can play. “

Harry styling in
Harry Styles on Vogue
