Harris Confronts Racism in America and Clinton Flares Trump: Key Moments from the Dem Convention

Kamala Harris confronts racism in America

When Kamala Harris accepted the nomination of the Democratic Party – the first Black woman and became the first Asian American to run for president of a major party – she claimed that “structural racism” had caused the effects of the coronavirus. for communities of color throughout America.

“This virus has no eyes, and yet it knows exactly how we see each other – and how we treat each other,” the California senator said in her keynote speech.

“And let’s be clear – there is no vaccine for racism. We have to do the work.”

Biden’s highly anticipated remarks also focused heavily on the former prosecutor’s biography, reintroducing the daughter of immigrants to a national audience and casting her as a crusader for justice with a deep background in legislation.

Hillary Clinton warns about Trump trying to ‘sneak or steal his way’ to reelection

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton repeatedly called for her 2016 election loss when she urged Americans to vote – warning that only an “overwhelming” turnout at polling stations could attempt to steal or steal President Donald Trump’s efforts “after a second term in office.

‘For four years people have said to me,’ I did not know how dangerous he was. ” I wish I could go back and do it over. ‘ Or at least, ‘I should have voted.’ That can not be another election, elections, elections, “Clinton said.

‘Do not forget,’ she added, ‘Joe and Kamala can win with 3 million votes and still lose. Take it from me. That we need figures overwhelmingly so that Trump cannot cut or steal his path to victory. ”

Pelosi accuses Trump and McConnell of ‘standing in the way’

Chamber member Nancy Pelosi presented the possibility of a future with gun control, affordable health care and clean energy, but made it clear that there is one obstacle: “Who stands in the way? “Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump,” she said.

Pelosi pointed to the administration’s heavily criticized response to the pandemic, and the 170,000-plus deaths that devastated the country.

She said the negligence created the “worst health and economic disaster in our history.” And their attacks did not stop there: they criticized Trump’s track record of attacks on women’s rights, including his threat to affordable childcare, access to abortions, and equal pay. To the women affected by his policies, they urge them to vote for the Biden-Harris ticket.

“As a Speaker of the House of Representatives, I first saw respect from Donald Trump for facts, for working families and for women in particular,” she said. “Disrespect written in his policies regarding our health and our rights – not just his behavior and conduct.”

Unlike Trump, Pelosi Biden marked out as a man whose heart is “full of love for America,” and showed her strong support for Harris as “a witness to the women of this nation that our voices will be heard.”

Elizabeth Warren: ‘It Didn’t Have to Be That Way’

From a classroom in Massachusetts that reflected her past as a teacher, accused sen. Elizabeth Warren Trump of completely uncontrollable against the coronavirus, which aggravated social inequality in the process.

“Donald Trump’s ignorance and incompetence have always been a danger to our country,” she said. “Covid-19 was Trump’s biggest test. He failed miserably. “

Childcare was hard to find for the pandemic, said the former Democratic candidate, but now it is almost impossible. And that’s not the only fight parents are facing because of the pandemic, according to Warren. She pointed to the faltering economy and the record number of deaths from Covid-19, both of which are crises affecting Black and Brown communities disproportionately, as evidence of the president’s incompetence. Warren spoke with the millions of Americans at risk of dismissal and life-tax-to-pay checks because of the pandemic because she pleaded with the Americans to vote.

“This crisis is bad, and it did not have to be that way,” she said. “This crisis is on Donald Trump and the Republicans who turned him on. On November 3, we will hold them all accountable.”

Gabby Giffords: ‘We are at a crossroads’

The third night of programming by the Democratic National Convention opened with a series of slick videos that shed light on the epidemic of gun violence in the country and contained comments from Americans whose lives have been affected by mass shootings.

“We are at a crossroads,” said former Rep. Arizona, Gabby Giffords, a prominent gun control lawyer who was shot in the head in 2011 by a homicide killer.

“We can continue the shooting, or we can trade. We can protect our families. Our future. We can vote. We can be on the right side of history, ‘she said. ‘We have to choose Joe Biden. He was there for me. He will be there for you too. ”

Democrats have failed in recent years to push for comprehensive legislation on gun reform by Congress, despite several mass shootings in schools and other public places, and the issue is a major part of the agenda of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Biden helped author the Federal Assault Weapons Ban in the 1994 criminal law edition when he chaired the House Judiciary Committee. He called for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and said he would introduce a presidential national procurement program for assault weapons as president.

Obama says Trump has never taken the presidency seriously

Former President Barack Obama has blamed his successor as unserious and self-centered, accusing Trump of using the bureau only to benefit himself and his friends.

Trump, he said, sees the presidency as nothing more than a “reality show he can use to get the attention he desires,” and his failure to lead has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans during the pandemic. of coronavirus.

“I never expected my successor to embrace my vision or continue my policies,” Obama said. “I hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump takes some interest in the work seriously. But he never did. ‘

“Donald Trump has not grown to the job because he can not,” he continued. “And the consequences of that failure are dire: 170,000 Americans die. Millions of jobs have gone. Our worst impulses have been unleashed, our proud reputation around the world has diminished badly, and our democratic institutions are threatened like never before. ”

New Mexico Governor Warns of ‘Environmental Destruction’

Gov. New Mexico’s Michelle Lujan Grisham highlighted her state’s approach to climate change, which includes a 2019 sweeping executive order that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in New Mexico by at least 45 percent by 2030. It also encourages government agencies to promote policies that push clean energy and reduce pollution.

“We know the time is running out to save our planet,” she said. “We have the opportunity this November to end two existential crises: the Trump presidency and the environmental destruction he represents.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency since 2017 has repealed nearly 100 environmental regulations, many enacted during the Obama administration. Most recently, it cut Thursday on methane emissions regulations for the oil and gas industry, and environmental groups have already promised that they will submit to stop the measure.

Daughter of Marine deported wife tells Trump ‘you have torn our world apart’

In a touching video, the daughter of a U.S. Marine who was deported to Mexico by the Trump administration provided a sympathetic face to the president’s immigration policy.

In a letter to Trump, 11-year-old Estela Juarez recounted how her mother came to the United States illegally more than two decades earlier as a teenager, and married her father who served in South America, Africa and Iraq with the Marines.

“My father thought you would protect military families, so he voted for you in 2016, Mr. President. He says he will not vote for you again after what you did to our family, ‘Juarez said as news of her mother’s deportation played out. “Instead of protecting us, you have ridden our world apart.”

The clip spiked in Trump’s comments about past immigrants, including a promise to ‘put out the day’, referring to MS-13 gang members as ‘animals’. It included images of migrant children, separated from their parents at the border, because Juarez claims that some of the children divorced from their parents through the Trump administration’s “no tolerance” policy are now because of you . “

“Mr. President, my mother is the wife of a proud U.S. Navy and a mother of two U.S. children. We are American families. We need a president who brings people together they will not tear apart. From the bottom of my heart, Estela, ”she concluded.