Happy Hunger Games: May you find these 25 franchise secrets to ever be in your favor

19. In addition to the main trio, the most coveted role in the franchise was probably Finnick Odair, with many high profile actors in the course of the Catch catch role. In front of Sam Claflin finally nabbed it, Garrett Hedlund, Armie Hammer en Taylor Kitsch were reported in the mix.

20. At one point, reports appeared that Robert Pattinson was in talks to play Finnick, though he later killed the rumors in the most Robert Pattinson way.

“I woke up in the morning and saw all these things about me in the cast The Hunger Games. I was a little jealous, ‘he said USA Today. “That’s what I called my agent. My agent was, ‘No … no one will offer you that part.'”

21. Seeing his physical description in the books – muscle, athletics and fitness – Claflin underwent four months of training to play Finnick.

“From the moment I set foot in Atlanta, they had me working out at the gym, twice a day,” he said. Teen Vogue. “As far as my diet is concerned, I think I have eaten more chickens than there are in the world. [Laughs] I would eat chicken and asparagus for lunch and dinner, and for breakfast I had an omelette and oatmeal. And I had that every day for four months. “