Halo Infinite demo: a gorilla losing his mind

So, from tonight’s Xbox Games Showcase, we’ve finally seen images of Halo Infinite – and it looks good! In fact, there was a grappling hook, more overall mobility from the Boss (he can now climb onto the crates!), And a couple of new weapons. There was also some classic Warthog action, some poignant music, and a couple of really sublime moments of beauty looking out the other side of a halo at sunset.

Even though Infinite was talked about a lot as the world’s first truly open Halo, I didn’t see enough to make a call either way: a HUD map showed some kind of open area, but it looked like it could have been divided into several large sands, rather than being adequately free. We’ll see. And in fact, tomorrow I will have more to say after talking to the developers. But for now, I want to talk about the best of the Infinite demo, which was the hideously intense space gorilla ASMR video it ended in.

The space gorilla in question is Escharum, who appears to be a good friend of Atriox, the villain of the real-time strategy game Halo Wars 2, and the leader of the splinter group Covenant called The Banished. Infinite developers seem eager to emphasize that you don’t need to have played Halo Wars 2 to know what’s going on in this new chapter of Motocross Diaries, and in fact, it seems like the main narrative premise of the game is that you really aren’t meant for to find out what’s going on at all. The Chief has landed in a halo along with the panicked man who found him adrift in space during last year’s E3 trailer, and all he knows is that he wants to destroy the anti-aircraft turrets that brought him and his new one down. partner.

But when he ascends to one of said turrets, witnessing a phenomenal sunset on the way, he receives a Skype call from Escharum, which is amazing. He is like Kratos, but also a bit like my wife’s antisocial grandfather, and seen from the side, he looks a bit like a walrus who is a bit confused by suddenly being in Warhammer 40,000.

Escharum from the side.

Still, Escharum has a good glee at how humanity appears to have been exterminated at the hands of the Banished, and it’s all a good standard supervillain. But then things get weird, and I love it. Escharum appears to come out of the hologram he’s been contained in so far, and starts staring at the camera from about two inches away so he can see all of his horrible skin. His speech veers wildly into the energy of an Attitude Era WWF promo segment, and he roars about his desire to face the Master Chief as a sort of final challenge to complete his long and grim existence of space gorilla battles.

Escharum has a good gloating.

When lightning strikes and the Halo theme rises to one of his old crescendos, Escharum completely loses the plot and screams directly at the viewer to “set his heart on fire”, before begging him to “discover his fangs, fight hard, and dies well. ” The big theme in Infinite marketing seems to be the idea of ​​the player living directly in the Boss’s armor, and this ridiculously intense POV segment … it certainly does. Words cannot do it justice: go and meet the gorilla yourself:

Ups, I’m sorry. I was referring to this:

Whatever you call it, head over to our E3 2020 label to learn more about this summer’s explosion of game ads, trailers, and miscellaneous marketing. Check out the PC games on the PlayStation 5 show, all on the PC Gaming Show, and all the trailers from the Xbox storefront to get started.

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