Halo Infinite Boss at game launch across generations of consoles and why it won’t be delayed

Halo Infinite is a launch title for Microsoft’s next-generation console, the Xbox Series X, but it’s also coming to the relatively less powerful Xbox One. Not only that, but the game will also be released on PC. This cross-platform launch strategy is very different from 2015’s Halo 5: Guardians, which was only released on Xbox One (before a small edition hit the PC for free).

343 studio director Chris Lee recently spoke about this cross-platform development and said it was made possible by Microsoft’s investment in its new SlipSpace engine.

“When we started building Halo Infinite, we knew we really had to invest in our technology to achieve the ambition that this game’s vision had. So we invested heavily in our SlipSpace engine,” Lee said during a recent interview. “We’ve developed it over time with the idea and concept of being cross-platform so that we can support the Xbox One family of devices, the Xbox Series X, and of course the PC when we launch on Steam as well.”

Lee went on to say that Microsoft was developing Halo Infinite as an intergenerational title “from the beginning.” While Halo Infinite will be available on a variety of platforms, that doesn’t mean it will be retained on any system.

“From the beginning, we wanted to make sure we developed all of these experiences in parallel and had the right technology to power those experiences and optimize them for each device,” said Lee.

The floodgates for Halo Infinite have finally begun to open. During a recent Xbox event, Microsoft first showed off the campaign game, including Craig the Brute.

For more information, see the linked stories below.

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