GTA Online’s most popular stunt, seven years later

When Ash Vespucci had his first skiding over the canals, not sure he would make it. The city of Los Santos stretched out at night, and its target, a hole above the liquor store, was small.

In the real world, Ash was bedridden in the United Kingdom, she was left in a state of shock and pain after working safety was injured in 2014. But in the GTA Online line, Ash was playing the role of a stuntwoman with a flair to fly a plane through the construction zone. . Shortly before her descent, while mocking the Xbox 360 version of Rockstar’s open-world shooter, she saw a huge sign. It was a dessert hole in the middle of the “liquor hall”.

If you are one of the millions who play Grand Theft Auto 5, There’s a good chance you know exactly where the store is, and have tried to catapult themselves through neon green advertising. The stunt has become a practical right for anyone looking for a fun distraction. Even if you haven’t, you may have seen many viral videos of people trying to perform stunts. As much as you See Liquor hole, your head will start turning gears.

“The name itself is slightly suggestive,” Ash commented in a Skype call with Polygon. “It simply came to our notice then. You can’t miss it. “

But before he became famous, Ash was unsure whether he could perform the stunt. Ash, at the time, spent a lot of time as Denizen of Los Santos. She knew first hand that many of the nooks and cranes present during the game would not be as flexible as they seem. Just because a ladder has spaces between its rings doesn’t mean your character can climb it, for example. Already, he tried to land the trick a dozen times, to no avail.

“The first few attempts I signed,” Ashe said.

And then it happened. Her character passed neatly through the sign, only to be able to gracefully open her parachute before landing in the middle of traffic. Looking at the clip that started the whole incident, you understand that Ash was in disbelief. Her character just stands there for a few moments, keeping that in mind, before releasing her gear. His character celebrated an improbable feat by jumping into the air. The very next day, his victory spread like wildfire on the Internet.

The world of Grand Theft Auto Toe Stunts is a vast one, with full groups dedicated to finding the best groups that Virtual City Auto Fur does. And with dozens of vehicles and planes to choose from, the stunt opportunities are endless.

There are people who spend hours grinding and cruising on a BMX bike, while others spend time in agile airplanes, managing to squeeze in all sorts of impossible places. Skyscrapers, construction scaffolding and unusual architecture provide a fertile playground for all tricks.

Some cars fly in the air in the GTA inline.

Image: Rockstar Games

But unlike the real-world Evil Knives, Grand Theft Auto Toe Stunters are not dealing with the set laws of physics. Things like smashing an apple into the head and extracting specific ideas about how gravity works are not as straightforward as Newton once did. The variables are huge, which is not helped by the fact that most games are held together by hose tape.

What if the apple tree sits at the top of the NPC spun point? What if the player is sitting inside an upturned tank that has caught fire and someone has cut down a tree? It is impossible to predict how the elements of the world may interact with one another.

The very fabric that holds the game together, can also change from update to update, depending on where the Rust Custer tweaks the back of the hood. New additions have to argue with old coding that won’t take everything into account. Mostly, though, players like to experiment and see how things react when you break them together. You can, for example, ride a specific GTA bike because if you hit a wall Just so Physics will present you in the air. Finding these reagents is practically a game on its own.

“They’ve achieved a perfect balance between reality and fantasy,” Asha said of GTA’s physics.

Over the years, Ashe has estimated that he has spent 5,000,000 hours completing a liquor hole stunt, whether using a fancy new aircraft Rockstar added to the game, or trying to see if he can nail it later. It only took her three weeks to find a way to get the car through the liquor hall.

What exactly is it that has eaten so much time? Well, most of it comes down to experimentation and patience. Ash deals with questions like: What is the best projection point? How fast should she move? Can it give it the right momentum? When and where should she enhance her appearance or move the steering wheel? It was an obsession that lasted three years, during which time she played the game almost every day. Unlike Netflix, which was bored after months of being forced to stay at home, surprise GTA .Online There were plenty.

“I don’t recommend spending hours with anyone [did.]”The only reason I did,” she said [did] That’s because you know I can’t really do much else. Stuck in bed during the day? I’m going to spend 12 hours getting stunts. ”

Nowadays, Ash has largely moved on GTA .Online And spends his time on duty – But not before covering “pretty much all [GTA] Map When it comes to obstacles you can skydive through. “Despite undergoing surgery for her herniated disc in 2015, Ash is still largely homebound, where she has to limit the number of times she walks or sits on her feet. More recently, she also wrote a book Was.

“I still have questions of mobility,” he noted. Thanks, she’s not in so much pain anymore. While she doesn’t explore Los Santos like she used to, she doesn’t leave that scene entirely. At the moment, she is lending her bold skills for a cinematic project, serving as a stunt coordinator for the upcoming GTA M to China.

Still, years later, after seeing others follow in her footsteps, she is amazed at how much influence she has on her culture. GTA .Online, Where stunting is the way of life.

He said, “I was just recording for stuff that I was just doing in-game for friends.”